I hope that one day in the future [a few years from now] my wife and kids can meet up with my former best friend and her family and we can all have a nice time. Maybe at a picnic or something. Is this a 'selfish' goal as part of me still wants to apologise to my former friend while the rest of me wants to move on. And there's no way better to move on then by finding someone else
When you no longer make distinctions between who you are and what you are doing selfishness is impossible.
i would not call the first line selfish at face value anyway, and possibly, probably, not at all. its about sharing enjoyment with others. it would only be negative and self centered, if it were at the expense of others being caused to suffer to make it possible. i don't understand what "finding someone else" has to do with "moving on" at all. this sounds like one of those kind of made up paradoxes to make excuses. you move on by moving, not by shunning anyone without good reason. of course people you consistantly disaggree with fall by the way side. as do people you fail to keep track of. and there have been lots of very good people i am totally guilty of failing to have kept track of myself. keeping track of anyone is not something i'm good at. even keeping track of which person on the internet has which likes and dislikes is not easy for me. in real life its not much better. there really isn't any one person i'm around enough, have enough contact with, i know well enough, who shares my perspectives as much that i know of for sure. so i really don't see pushing someone away any more then trying to attract them. i guess i'm not quite human in the sense of not feeling the point of doing either. life goes on. that's what it does. new contacts are gained. old contacts are lost. what matters is the kind of world we all have to live in, and how our priorities create it.