Self defense & testicles...

Discussion in 'Genitalia' started by GenJaneu, Jun 8, 2006.

  1. GenJaneu

    GenJaneu Member

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    I just finished a women's self defense course. One technique the instructor recommended was the testicle squeeze, where you grab one testicle and squeeze as hard as you can for like 20 seconds, and the guy supposedly passes out like turning off a switch.

    Now, that sounds like a great technique in an attempted rape situation since the guy won't even know you are trying to defend yourself until you start to squeeze, and then in theory it's too late for him.

    The only problem is, the instructor had never actually tried it, or personally knew someone who had. Strangely, my boyfriend won't let me try it on him (and he claims to love me...).

    Now I know that a man's testicles are very sensitive to pain, but I have absolutely no desire to cause an attacker pain -- that just risks him getting angrier & more violent. I am only interested in totally incapacitating him, so he simply can't function. Done right, I know a kick to the knee or punch to the throat can do that. But just squeezing or kicking his balls? Actually make a drink-crazed attacker unable to function for at least 5 minutes?

    Since no one will let me try it on them, I'm asking if anyone out in the big world has had any real-life experience they would share. Can you really incapacitate someone like that? Or does it just hurt like buggery.
  2. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger Senior Member

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    If anyone ever grabbed my 'nads (in anything but a friendly gesture), I'd karate chop them in the throat that would at least partially crush their larynx and certainly render them unconscience.
  3. Xac

    Xac Visitor

    Ok i will give you some tips, one if it doesnt work, your attacker is going to be angrier and still just as capable of doing you harm...

    Now this is the very important tip so listen, Wether you are squeezing a mans balls, or kicking them (both of which are affective) it is NEVER an instantanous response, even if you get him REALLY good it takes about 5 seconds to actually "kick in" so if you do it, remember to protect yourself untill he is actually on the ground rolling around in pain...

    Also often when he does recover he will be fine, so if you do, do it effectivley and he is down, use that time to either further incapacitate him or get the hell out of there...

    Im not a self defence instructer, just a man who's been hit in the balls... far... far... too many times... god i hate sports sometimes... it looks funny... but its not...
  4. cerridwen

    cerridwen in stitches

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    I don't make it a point to attack guys there but I've been in a situation that I couldn't get out of... and yes, he did stay down for quite a while.
  5. PurpleGel

    PurpleGel Senior Member

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    this ball-squeezing technique would not work in a rape situation. the technique would hurt, no doubt, but NO man will stand there and allow it to happen. if you grabbed my balls in a bad way, i would immediately strike you down.

    if i were a woman in need of self defense, i would use the vital pressure points and soft spots of the body (eyes, throat, solar plexus, etc), NOT the man's testicles, which may be very difficult to locate through clothing while in a pressured situation.
  6. GenJaneu

    GenJaneu Member

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    So what were the circumstances, and what did you do? How long was he down for? He was really helpless?
  7. PineMan

    PineMan Senior Member

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    The thing that puzzles me about rape situations is where the man forces the woman to give him oral, why doesn't the woman simply bite? That would soon change which one is in control.
  8. degman

    degman Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    PurpleGel is right. A guy's nads are not the best self defense attack zone. We are used to protecting that area and it can be difficult to score a direct "hit" that incapacitates your attacker. Then you're in even worse trouble. Go for other sensitive zones: eyes, throat, hair and go ALL OUT. If you are trully threatened, don't be shy.
  9. silverhippy

    silverhippy Comfortably Numb

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    LMAO no one will let you try, get a gun that will work. Yes it will hurt but if you are being raped or something it would be easier to just shoot him.

  10. Musikero

    Musikero Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    OP: If you're gonna carry a gun or any other weapon (like knife, mace, etc.), I do not recommend putting it in your purse. You might not have the time to draw out your weapon. Unless you have the habit of having one hand in your purse while walking.
  11. Musikero

    Musikero Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    You try biting down when the guy has a gun to your head or has a bunch of friends with him. Of course every situation is different so yeah maybe it will work in some cases.
  12. Musikero

    Musikero Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    In a situation where he already has you pinned down and you squeeze his balls, his first reaction will probably be to try to make you let go. Guess what he's going to do to make you let go of his balls? He's going to hit you, choke you, gouge out your eyes, whatever. Now if you manage to actually get him to pass out after 20 seconds, great - you can go and run away now. If however he manages to knock you out before that happens....

  13. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    Being a male and a self defence instructor and a Security officer at a hospital for many years.. This is a distraction technique. While it will harm maybe a small assailant your chances of bringing down a man thats 180lbs or more with a kick to the groin are nearly impossable. Unless they are very sensitive. I can tell you also that some profiles of sexual attackers will also be unphased by the kick but rather turned on and only futher aggress your attacker. Your best defence in my opinion.. Is Eyes and Throat.
    Use your nails as a tool and go for eyes, And any area that can draw blood.
    While this may seem Like a evil thing to say, Im only telling you this to save your life. And scream bite and do whatelse you can. Carry Pepper spray and be ready to use it at all times..
    Believe it or not this has been tried by rape victims Some of which do not have Jaw power to Bite through a full erect penis, also the victim in many cases is in fear and doing whats necessary for survival. While most women are probable not as traunatized by a oral assualt Im sure its just as scary while the event is occuring..
    If the bite should fail. youll really going to anger the person this is not recomended in rape prevention. For they may now kill you should they have a weapon or even if they do not.
    It should also be noted sexual assualts happen more by people that you know.
    A gun for protection is good. But better being aware of where your at is the best defence taught.. And know the people your with and their intentions and your surrounding,
    Never except a drink from a stranger. Exspecially while alone in a bar or club. Be sure you see it being made.
    While assualts can occure in your home. If your extreamly careful and follow all the precautions and dont go into areas by yourself that are dangerous. Your going to be fine. Taking a course is the best thing for you...

    ***But please do not be afraid to be aggresive in your class and see how well your teacher is... they are often quacks with one objective... rape your pocket book and leave you defenceless***.

    Best courses are those recommended by your local rape prevention center..
    If you dont have one your local hospital can assist you..

    Martial Art classes will be more suited for your Personal contact needs and instrustions since they are teaching a full contact fighting skill and not from a text book..
  14. xHamiltonx

    xHamiltonx Member

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    You are actually right about that squeezing the testicle will cause a man to pass out very quickly. Actually it is not because of the pain. I know this because once when I was younger I had to go to the doctor because I had pain in my testicle, and when he examined it (I think he pressed a little to hard for me) I FAINTED. It didn't hurt that much but I fainted anyway. I just don't remember the exact reason, but girls, it works!
  15. biravatch65

    biravatch65 Visitor

  16. SBJimmeh

    SBJimmeh Member

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    I'm going to have to disagree.

    A kick to the groin is considered lethal force in law enforcement (which surprises me that you don't know this....), and if you are kicked hard enough, you CAN be taken down no matter what your size, even die.

    I was taught that and shown an article about a man who died from it. It's not an immediate death, for sure, but you can die, as there is an artery there, and the groin is rich of blood.

    As far as passing out from a testicle squeeze, I highly doubt it. There are porn starts with testicle rings on for crying out loud!

    But here is a article from the web about somebody dying from it?
  17. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    I said its not recommended in Rape prevention... for the reasons I specified.
  18. Musikero

    Musikero Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    IF you are kicked hard enough. IF the kick even hits its intended target. IF the woman is in the correct position and range to kick or knee (kinda hard to generate great force when you're pinned to the ground or standing but off-balanced). IF the woman manages to not freeze. I can go on and on - the point is there are so many IFs.

    I'm not saying groin attacks don't work - I'm just saying it's not enough to know where to hit. You also need to know how to hit and when to hit. And what to do in the event that you kick and miss. Or in the event you kick and hit the target, but are not able to deliver enough force into the strike, thus succeeding at pissing off your attacker instead of incapacitating him.

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