Seeking Help - Bad Trip

Discussion in 'Magic Mushrooms' started by Findingnewlight, Sep 2, 2015.

  1. Findingnewlight

    Findingnewlight Members

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    Hi everyone,

    I am currently seeking help for my situation. I had a “bad trip” during the last time I took them. Just to put things into context. This was the third time that I took hallucinogens.
    The first time that I took, it was mush ( 1g ) and the experience was blissful. Loved the experience, had a great time and left me very positive. A month after that, I took LSD for the first time. I took a bit too much and I had a serious bad trip. For two hours or so, I believed that I was dyeing and that it was the end for me. 5-6 hours after the bad trip started, I was calming down and I had a feeling of rebirth. The next days were actually very positive and gave me more strength. Felt like I could go through bigger challenges because I overcame that bad trip. A year has passed, and last weekend I decided to tae some mushroom with 3 of my friends. We took ( 1.5g ). After drinking it, 40 mins after the trip started, I got all of the same symptoms of panic attack. It took me about 2 hours to calm down and again I felt this “rebirth feeling” and I was ecstatic that I was still alive.
    The very next day, I felt all right. Towards the end of the day, I smoke a small joint of pot. I smoke almost on a daily basis but for the past two months I stopped smoking during the weekdays. A bit after I was done smoking, I had a flashback. A panic started in me but I was able to calm it down after 20-30 mins. Slept fairly well. The next day, I woke up with a lot of anxiety. Not sure what was going on. I thought that I had some permanent damage from the mush. Went to work and once I arrived to the office, I had a full blown panic attack. Asked to go home, and I was able to calm myself down. As the evening progressed, my mood was better and I felt overall better. The very next morning, same situation happened as the day before. I got an anxiety/panic attack. Spoke to my family members about what has occurred and it made me feel better. As the day progressed, I felt better and better. That evening, I felt like I came back 100% to my old self. This morning I wake up, same thing happened. Anxiety and panic attack. I was wondering if this could be physical or purely psychological? Could this be PTSD? I am becoming desperate for help because I am afraid of loosing my job. I can’t be fully functional.

    Thank you for any advice.
  2. Pieceofmyheart

    Pieceofmyheart Grumpy old bitch HipForums Supporter

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    PTSD? no....

    You did drugs, altered your consciousness and now your brain is rebelling. Live clean, breathe deep and you'll be fine. Remember this and don't go there again, listen to your inner self, it's trying to tell you, "don't do that anymore".

    This is just my old ass opinion.
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  3. MeatyMushroom

    MeatyMushroom Juggle Tings Proppuh

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    The physical and psychological are linked, trauma(stress) is held in the body and there are exercises you can do to help release this which has the potential of breaking patterns of unwanted behaviour and psychological reflexes.

    Mildly useful video, there are exercises that you can google or youtube. Another thing you might want to look at is bio-energetics.

    Other things that can help are yoga, chi-kung(any martial art). Utilise energy and adapt yourself to it, other than that just eat and sleep well.
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  4. Pieceofmyheart

    Pieceofmyheart Grumpy old bitch HipForums Supporter

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    Yes, I agree with all the above. Even a massage could help if done by the right person. I have been reading up on this lately Chi-Lel™ Qigong.
  5. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    you didn't damage anything. Mushrooms are one of the safest substances you could consume.
    Your descriptions of panic and anxiety setting in for the first couple hours sounds rather normal for the "come up" of any psychedelic and then you hit the point where you have "changed gears" and everything mellows out.
    Sounds more to me that you maybe suffered from inexperience more than anything else. The anxiety and uncertainty when coming up on a psychedelic can flavor the whole experience if you allow it.
    With more experience you will learn what to ignore as being a normal part of the experience and what to pay attention to and what you can learn from during an experience.

    You really didn't elucidate much about the content of your "bad trip" as they are usually the most educational and beneficial in the long term.
    Here is a write-up of the most difficult psychedelic experience I have ever had, and I've had hundreds. This one was so difficult because I was laid bare before myself with nowhere to hide and no one to blame....

    also keep in mind that mushrooms are totally safe in the amounts consumed for psychedelic effect. I think you would need to consume almost a pound of dry shrooms to OD.
    Real LSD is one of if not the safest psychedelic substance known and you would have to consume many thousands of doses to OD.
  6. Findingnewlight

    Findingnewlight Members

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    Thank you all for the comments I truly appreciate it. Yesterday night I decided to smoke a bit of weed and take a walk. At first, anxiety creeped in but I was able to calm myself down. As every 10 minutes have passed I started feeling better and better. I was able to go into my flashback of the trauma event and I was coping with it, I was even able to smile at it. As the night progressed, it was better and better. What a relief! This morning I did wake up with some anxiety but no panic attacks!!!! I think these walks with weekd and self psychoterapy are an absolute blessing. Thank you all very much for your input!
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  7. MeatyMushroom

    MeatyMushroom Juggle Tings Proppuh

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    Glad to hear it :)
    I hope it hasn't stained your relationship with psychedelics too much, they do ask for respect
  8. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    We have all had "the fear" before it's part of the experience.
  9. Findingnewlight

    Findingnewlight Members

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    Not sure if I will try them anytime soon. I still have some anxiety attacks. I will need to regain a lot of mental strenght before I try them. I'll keep on fighting this battle day by day.
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  10. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    Psychedelics are not for everyone, I'd probably stay away from them if I was you. If some of the psychological issues persist beyond these self therapy sessions, you may want to consider anxiolytic medications. However some of these medications such as benzodiazepines have been known to have their own insidious side effects.

    I'd consider looking into piracetam which is a nootropic, it has a really subtle psychoactive effect to where if you are in the midst of an activity you may not even be aware of it doing anything but I have found that it lessens anxiety.
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  11. Findingnewlight

    Findingnewlight Members

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    Yesterday night and this morming the anxiety feeling has come back. I guess it takes a bit more than a week to get over it. We'll keep on fighting. Have any of you used weed to treat some of these symptoms?
  12. magic mushroom buddha

    magic mushroom buddha Member

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    You'll forget what's making you anxious in a wee while,

    You've just had your eyes opened to a layer of reality that lies hidden and has no bearing on how every day reality is perceived......
    You began to experience eternity with your universal eyes,
    Those eyes are eternal and see what they always see,
    Knowing your somehow seeing and being a part of eternity brings about certain logical insight into the the meaning of the true nature of the universe,
    You see certain universal truths,
    If you saw these in any depth,
    They will make you very anxious,
    The good news for you though is that you'll forget.......

    Don't smoke any weed for a bit.....that shit can really make you anxious.

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