I got another fucking ticket yesterday -- my second in about a 6-month time period (and the second ticket issued by a NY state trooper), this time for not wearing my seatbelt. My own fucking fault, of course, as I have a tendency to forget to put my belt on when I get in the car. Apparently the pig saw me from behind as I was making a turn, so he put the flashers on and pulled me over. I put my seatbelt on as inconspicuously as possible as I was pulling over to no avail. I guess the good thing is that there are no points on my license associated with this particular offense, unlike my still-pending speeding ticket from November. I still will have to pay a fine of $50, which is bad enough since it's just more revenue for the pigs when they already have enough. My opinion is that if someone doesn't want to wear a seatbelt, and they are in their own fucking car, that's their business and have to suffer the consequences if they go flying through the windshield. It's rather disgusting how the law masquerades under the guise of public safety when in reality it's just another way of sucking more money from people. What are the seatbelt laws like in your state, and how heavily are these laws enforced?
In my state they are supposed to have another reason to pull you over, then can ticket for no seat belt, but they aren't supposed to stop you just because of no seat belt. But they will...they make something up, cops where I live are total assholes....too many of them for the area and number of people. They will pull you over...just because you looked at them, or you're a teenager, that's a big one here. They harass the youngins to no end in this town.
:bigcry: Wah, wah, wah, is that all you ever do is cry and complain about shit? of course it's all a global conspiracy to inconvenience you and get $$$ from you. and you whine because they make you wear one, let me ask you, have you ever seen the results of someone going through a windshield? I have, it ain't pretty how can you be so intelligent in some areas but a complete idiot in others In Ca. I think it starts at $75 for the first offense and it doubles each subsequent time you get another ticket, and it is like double or triple if you have a minor in the car not seatbelted. "the pig" how juvenile.........
I think it's totally insane that people are allowed to ride an engine with wheels, a motorcycle, but others can recieve citations for not strapping themselves in while sitting in their walled in automobile.
We dont have helmet law here for motorcycles.. They dont bother us with the seatbelt unless u do something else to get pulled over for.. If you go thru a toll booth with a human, they sometimes wont let you pass til you click it...
We have helmet laws here...even if we didn't, I would never, ever ride without one. I've been in one bad accident and have lost many friends to them. I love riding but at a minimum I try to protect my noggin'.
UK has laws on seatbelts which are compulsory. If you get caught without one it's about a £50 fine. Also helmets are required on motorcycles, but not on trikes.
My opinion is that if you go flying through the windshield because you didn't buckle up the EMTs should just leave you on the street.
at least I'm relatively happy and don't constantly look for things to whine and bitch about, nor is my mind addled with a myriad of asinine conspiracy crap, so go fuck yourself you pathetically miserable little boy. are you going to get daddy to pay for this one as well? so tell me, how often does daddy pay your rent, once a month or every three months?
No helmet laws? I didn't think something like that even existed nowadays. Unless the law's there and they just don't care. What with all this biker nonsense going on... It kind of goes both ways really. I completely agree w nerdandrothal's point, but at the same time... say you're in a somewhat serious accident, you black out for a few seconds, your car starts rolling towards the edge of a ravine, an innocent bystander? I know, it's farfetched, but there could be some crazy science behind it? Then again, your car catches fire, your arms are broken and there's no way to get your seatbelt off... :unsure: I think I just popped a few brain cells. :d
the fine here is at $200 to $1000 plus 2 demerit points...weird thing is if you can prove your seatbelt is broken they will not issue demerits....but if you go rthat way they will probably pursue safety infractions and charge you with unsafe vehicle i had to look this up online of course because im a law abiding citizen who likes to drive safe
it has always been illegal in my state but until about ten years ago you had to be pulled over for another offense before they could ticket you. Shortly after they changed the law my ex-boyfriend and I were pulled over because he didn't have a seatbelt on and he received a $25 fine. Not sure if the fine has increased since then. I actually agree it is just another way to increase revenue, but it doesn't really bother me. I've known too many people die in car crashes they could have survived if they had been wearing a ticket.