
Discussion in 'Bare It! Nudism and Naturism' started by drew172, Aug 24, 2005.

  1. drew172

    drew172 Senior Member

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    i am posting this in here cuz im pretty sure everyone will be more openminded with it and maybe even had something to say about it

    anywho....scratching yourself in public. weird? okay? do people out there still consider it disgusting cuz i dont really see what the difference between that and scratching your arm is....the reason im asking is becase while i was out waking tonight i had some itches in the area...specifically in the bush near the tree (if u know what i mean...well yeah) and i was tryin to get it away without bein too obvious, but after a while i just thought "whats the big deal? its prolly the itchiest place on the body for most people" but by that time i was nearly home so i just decided to wait until i got there then just randomly start scratchin away while walkin down the street

  2. WhisperingWoods

    WhisperingWoods too far gone

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    When I first read this I thought you meant scratching yourself NAKED out in public. why they thought scratching your naked junk is more offensive than scratcing your arm hahaha, I'm stoned though.
  3. ~Gina~

    ~Gina~ Member

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    ill be perfectly honest
    i went for an interview today and i was dressed to impress lol (ie, not comfy undies, a g-string)
    and damn it when ur walking for an hour from end to end of george st, that thing makes some friction
    so what did i do, i grabbed it out of there and snapped it, as u do when picking a wedgy. i got so embarrased that someone heard it snap, but then i thought, shit stuff it, its just a passing thought in someones mind and theyll forget
  4. ~Gina~

    ~Gina~ Member

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    btw, i wore pants on top of the g-string
    just forgot to mention that :eek:
  5. michiganhippie

    michiganhippie Member

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    Damn! I was starting to fantasize about being the interviewer.
  6. ~Gina~

    ~Gina~ Member

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    tisk michigan, tisk

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