As 2016 unfurls and we hear more and more in the news about the way 1 appointment to the Supreme Court impacts civil rights environmental protection worker safety regulation gun control / gun rights campaign finance reform reproductive freedom affirmative action immigration reform privacy separation of church and state etc. etc. I will be evermore amazed at the anarchsts I've met who think elections do not matter. Can anarchists have any interest in topics such as those above, and not vote? Someone, please explain this to me. perpetually amazed, eleven
I should say that if someone likes anarchism as an ideal, I won't knock it, while at the same time I won't agree. I just can't understand not voting.
anarchy is ridiculous because its not possible. Life is geared towards organization. atoms organize. molecules organize. cells organize. families organize. neighborhoods organize. If you break everything up into anarchy its only a matter of time before we reorganize into the same thing we were before anarchy. We will eventually organize until we are a one world government, race and language. Maybe
I like how you put that out, the comment about atoms, cells, and molecules. Your theory is similar to what Nessim Haramein has to say. Some humans have the ability to see things clearly. They should be chosen to serve as our leaders, not idiots like Trump and Cruz.
Anarchists explain their reasoning by stating if government didn't provide shared resources like roads, fire depts, etc, the people would organize and provide these things. Hmmm...people organizing to provide for the greater good. Sounds a bit like...government? American government is so corrupt I can understand where anarchists are coming from, but I think anarchy is very similar to communism (a lot of people forget the ultimate goal of communism actually IS anarchy) in that it is a perfect ideal that can only be fully realized on a very small scale.
Yes, Asmo, but the irony I see is that anarchists and Marxists present themselves as not apathetic. They present themselves as activists, of sorts. However, their focus on Utopia is so intense, they obviously cannot care about real, day-to-day, matters. The kind issues that matter greatly to the welfare of poor and helpless people. Anarchism seems uncaring, to me. Possibly even narcissistic.