This is related to Noether's theorem again and goes to the heart of modern quantum mechanics. All of our equations describing nature can currently fit on a single t-shirt, and all of them except for the second law of thermodynamics imply time can flow backwards as easily as forward, and they all express a scalar symmetry, similar to a glass onion, nesting Kachina dolls, and fractal geometry. My own view is the principle of identity is vanishing entirely down the rabbit hole, and this experiment is the first direct conclusive evidence of symmetry breaking and that the laws of physics can be considered self-organizing. There was a similar experiment a few years ago using a supercold 2D layer of gas at the bottom of a tank, that surprised everyone when it started spontaneously cycling back and forth between order and chaos. Like a superconductor or whatever, it should keep going forever like that, without expending any energy in the process. What they did different in this experiment is show how such nonsensical asymmetric behavior impacts Boyle's Law. You could say, they have proven that the Big Bang could only get so small, before it exploded, just as it is impossible to create a perfect vacuum, because time and space themselves can display similar nonlinear behavior. Next, they will have to connect the dots and show how it works thermodynamically, but I wouldn't hold my breath. Once they have a thermodynamic description of how quantum mechanics impacts space-time they can extrapolate on the equivalences of Relativity and express them as thermodynamics, meaning they should be able to accurately predict the temperature of space-time, which current standard field theory does not. That's when the crap will hit the fan, when they prove the principle of identity is vanishing down the toilet, and the only way to resolve the issue is by experimenting with the quantum observer effect.