Say Goodbye to Our Democracy and Freedoms

Discussion in 'Democracy' started by erofant, Jul 1, 2021.

  1. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    The medical profession is becoming just another franchise that the Tea Party can use and abuse. So long as the money does all the driving, you can forget anything remotely like ethics.
    tjr1964 likes this.
  2. KathyL

    KathyL Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    Bear in mind that consent in such cases is given by the parents, not the kids. You are advocating restricting a parent's right to make decisions on behalf of their children.
    tjr1964 and Piney like this.
  3. tjr1964

    tjr1964 Members

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    The Right has had a history of Genocide and World Wars ...
    I laugh at how "Righty Whiteys" are playing the victimhood card, like Neo Confederate AmeriKKKans today.

    There is a new Youth movement coming, that will not be divided by sex, sexual orientation, race, social class or political manipulation by media or spinsters.... a Wavokah ( a Great Awakening) is coming !!!! .... much like the 1960's !!!!
    Peace, Unity, Awareness is a threat that Corporations, Corporate Media, Hate Groups ( MAGA) .... Truth, Love, Tolerance, Peace, Justice and Equality, is a threat to the Right.
  4. tjr1964

    tjr1964 Members

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    Hippies from the 1960's, should come out and Spiritual Guidance to this new Youth Movement that is coming up ....Times are going to get interesting.

    Many Tribal Elders that I met from various Tribes, have told me that Hippies were a Spiritual Awakening that established White Elitest Oligarchs feared most.
    Colonial Thinking was greatly threatened by Hippes .... they were liberating people from the Chains of Colonial Thinking !!!!
    That's why they killed many young kids in Vietnam, killed Martin Luther King, JFK, RFK and Nixons irradication of Free Thinking Young People .... MAGA is their last dying breath .
    Whirlwind83 and scratcho like this.
  5. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Lets hope so, however the willfully ignorant are a difficult bunch to educate as they are not interested in determining actual truth. :cool:
    Whirlwind83 and tjr1964 like this.
  6. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Everyone thought Bender was a cute cartoon of a robot, but I'm working on the quantum mechanics for bots to teach conservatives, that you can't fake Professional Wrestling, because you can't fake stupid!
    tjr1964 likes this.
  7. john1644

    john1644 Members

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    I agree.....................
  8. tjr1964

    tjr1964 Members

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    Like how MAGA is out destroy Democracy, the Constitution, Rule of Law, Equality and all Human Rights?

    Notice that ever since the TEA Party, the AmeriKKKan Far Right has been playing the Victimhood card ?
    Their illusions of Racial Superiority , has melted and now the reality of their self inflicted inferiority has come to light .... so now they are playing the victim .
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2024
    Whirlwind83 and scratcho like this.
  9. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    The AMA already admitted to hiding all the medical evidence for PTSD and brain damage for 30 years. My own evidence, indicates that racism and rape are both cellular level responses, proof that conservative rhetoric causes brain damage, which the AMA and everyone else is hiding.

    Racists tend to rape people of other races, reflecting the fact the cells of their own bodies no longer have confidence in their society's ability to reproduce.

    Note, that both Germany and Japan's populations bounced back from the war, then imploded faster than anyone else, with the invention of modern birth control.

    The simple message is, racists have to reproduce by raping people of a different race, because they're so contentious even their neighbors will occasionally drive them to the verge of genocide, and they are struggling to reproduce in the modern world.
    tjr1964 likes this.

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