Are you currently satisfied or unsatisfied with your home life? Inquiring Hip Forum minds want to know.
I'm the sole caregiver incarcerated in a psychiatric facility with only one patient; a paranoid psychotic who believes the neighbors are bombarding us with microwaves and shooting at her with top-secret energy weapons provided to them by the Mexican drug cartels; they communicate with each other via the street lights. About once a week she goes all Linda Blair on me and has a screaming hissy fit because I don't believe in or participate in her delusions, listing in minute detail how much she hates me, and all of the myriad ways I've failed as a friend, companion, and caregiver. Oh, yeah; I've been celibate for over three years now, too. Satisfied? Not so much.
the happiest times in my life i have lived utterly and completely alone. i consider it my great good fortune to be doing so now, as i have for six of my past ten years. for me the simple blessings of freedom from social complexities that would rob me of focus, are more then worth any lack of emotional companionship. there are of course a number of material factors, but these i have mostly never experienced on anything resembling a common basis, if at all.
I am not I wanna change so much, but i look around and see myself surrounded by paint eaters and gas huffers, and I realize how much better off i am than everyone. There's always room for improvement, but i sit around and do nothing
ah. how about a goal simply to enjoy the scenery? find or explore new places or create or participate in creating them? we owe no more to any "the world" then it owes to us, other then to avoid making anything more difficult for others. nothing wrong with productivity or generosity of course, these can be both very good things, but consideration is the real crown of good things, and making our ways of life to first respect and contribute in a positive way to that, by the way we act and do, there's really no greater way. applying logic and deduction, to finding ways to make life the most considerate and harmless, not just to people we think are most like our selves, but for every blade of grass, mote of dust, and sub-atomic particle. and then there is, of course, as i believe, the goodness of the diversity of the possible, however occasionally inconvenient it might occasionally be, and the goodness of the unknown being unknown. and of course to avoid wishing to be feared, which is the opposite, of any good thing. its not about goodness being some existential abstraction, its not, its about not creating a social environment that bites everyone including ourselves on the ass. so really, keeping consideration in mind, explore what you enjoy that happens to cross your path, without worrying too much about whatever doesn't. it is only expectations that create disappointments. takes a bit of self training to learn how to avoid them, but its not THAT difficult. it just takes a bit of time and keeping at it. a decade or two ought to do the job, but even that is an expectation, and not exempt from learning to avoid.