Satan's Powers?

Discussion in 'Christianity' started by skip, May 12, 2007.

  1. snake sedrick

    snake sedrick Banned

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    It shows that Hitler was pitching some of his speeches to the German christian middle classes, and not much else.

    There can be few historical topics about which so much totally contrary material has been written than Hitler and the nazis. It's pointless to point to a few quotes as 'proving' Hitler was a Chriatian. Others assert, and with as much evidence, that he was involved in occultism, and in particular a group called the Thule society.
    Anyway, if it pleases you to think of Adolf as a christian, fair enough. A christian who had to be slapped down by other christians who had a different ideology and political agenda. Didn't notice him turning the other cheek exactly though.

    How about Stalin?
  2. mandell

    mandell Banned

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    Not only did Hitler express his Christian beliefs, but the point is, he had the backing and the blessing of the German Church. Unless, one considers that the German Catholics, German Protestants, German Lutherans who supported and gave their lives for his cause, the cardinals, bishops, abbots who blessed him at that time were not Christian.

    Interestingly, Hitler's "New Order" bears striking similarity to Bush and the Neo-conservative, Christian religious right's vision of a "New World Order".
  3. snake sedrick

    snake sedrick Banned

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    I doubt the christian churches had much choice under Hitler - opposition of any kind wasn't tolerated.

    No doubt Hitler liked to cosy up to religious authorities, just as he liked to be on intimate terms with german aristos. It helped no doubt to fuel his sense of power.

    I think all this comes down to how you define christian.
  4. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    That website really does reveal it all! In fact I had been looking for symbols of the swastika and Christian cross together, and they have a LOT of them on the site! I knew there had to be some, but I couldn't quite find them using google.

    BTW, anymore PERSONAL ATTACKS will result in bans, enough already!


  5. misterrain

    misterrain Banned

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    By 'personal attacks' do you mean 'honesty about how these anti-Christian comments are making people feel', or 'honesty about this site apparently SUPPORTING deliberate and unprovoked antagonism against the Christian religion'?

    I honestly can't believe that on a site where people are supposedly respected for standing up for what they believe and fighting for peace and love, that someone would ban me for pointing out that a lot of posters here are making a lot of people feel absolutely horrible about something very personal and close to their hearts.

    And I'm not attacking anyone personally... it's not like I'm running around saying they're all going to hell and I hate them and they're dirty... and more importantly, I'm also not implying that anyone is gay in a homophobic manner, which I consider both a personal attack as well as an attack against homosexuals in general... I'm pointing out that they are often biased by their prejudiced views of the religion, which I think is TRUE.

    No one here has actually answered me on that one... and I honestly think that someone should. If any of the posters here can actually prove that they're not more interested in feeding their own hatred of Christianity and are instead interested in an objective discussion about what it really means to be a Christian, then I'll totally stop making the challenge.

    But on a site where so many of the posts in a forum are about how the Bible is all lies and how the most evil men in the world were Christian and how everyone who believes in Jesus Christ is an ignorant follower incapable of indepedent thought, and where everyone wants to constantly point out that the Bible is flawed and wrong, and where everyone wants to mock and laugh at Christian beliefs and practices... and where everyone REFUSES to respond to my accusations of bias and propaganda, and then simply dismisses these very relevant challenges as personal attacks... it would seem that being a voice of reason and asking for a ceasefire between the Christians and non-Christians is actually a reason to get kicked out!!!
  6. misterrain

    misterrain Banned

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    Prove that you're interested in an objective discussion of Christianity, and not just trying to feed anti-Christian hostility.
  7. hippie_chick666

    hippie_chick666 Senior Member

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    I thought we had an objective discussion of a Christian issue, the gospel of Mary. Maybe I missed something...

    Peace and love
  8. misterrain

    misterrain Banned

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    Yes, but that doesn't mean that all the hate and the venom preceding and following that discussion didn't happen.
  9. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    Speaking of Satan's powers, I just read this article below.

    I never knew a microwave was one of Satan's tools...

    Guess this wannabe preacher's gonna do well after attempting to murder his own daughter!

    Notice the Christian logic loop in play here...

    "The Devil made me do it cause he didn't want me to be a preacher!"

    What sick & twisted logic Christians use to justify their horrendous actions!
  10. legend 1967

    legend 1967 Member

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    Realize, wherever you find people on this planet, you will likely encounter evil (satan)[​IMG]
  11. TopNotchStoner

    TopNotchStoner Georgia Homegrown

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    God doesn't make my decisions for me. If he makes your decisions for you, then you're a bitch. If God is anything worth respecting, then he doesn't want you to base your decisions solely on what is said in the bible; rather, you should base your decisions on what feels right in your heart/mind. He shouldn't want you to follow him blindly and do as he wishes just because he tells you to....otherwise, your actions are never genuine, which means you're lying to yourself and to God.

    Learn to think for yourself, dude.
  12. smokindude

    smokindude Senior Member

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    Theres no such thing as satan, hell is simply separation from God, our father when we die.
  13. smokindude

    smokindude Senior Member

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    Oh and TopNotch, that last post of yours was brilliant and i couldnt of said it better myself. Its called FREE WILL, God gave us it to test our true nature. God is perfect.. without sin, and humans are filled with it and decide to go against Gods word, if God controlled us and our decisions it would be HIM the one sinning and not us, which is impossible because God is perfect, like i said before.
  14. Jedi

    Jedi Self Banned

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    His power is the power of persuasion, he makes you do something to harm yourself and others and that which you will regret later.
    His keys into controlling you are your own vanity.
  15. Jedi

    Jedi Self Banned

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    The representation of a perfect entity can be imperfect in its representation.
  16. TopNotchStoner

    TopNotchStoner Georgia Homegrown

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    God is definitely NOT perfect and we're not as loved by him as we have been lead to believe. We are merely an antfarm/soap opera, in his eyes. Our creation was nothing more than his need for some entertainment. He toys with us, more than anything, imo. We are nothing more than something for him to fuck with when he's feeling bored. I'm a christian, because I believe in his existance, but all he does is tease us with empty promises and leave us in misery.
  17. Humanman

    Humanman Member

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    Satan doesnt exist God does not exist get over it. If he did exist I would call him a little prick! what kind of "merciful" god would let the holocast,rwanda,darfur and these atrocities happen!
  18. niranjan

    niranjan Member

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    Satan’s successes are the greatest when he appears with the name of God on his lips.

    ----- Mahatma Gandhi
  19. Jedi

    Jedi Self Banned

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    Alek Niranjan!
  20. Ezzie

    Ezzie Member

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    Some of you guy's logic is a-bit flawed..
    One man's actions do not condemn a nation to his views, ie: if a christian killed someone, or if an athiest killed someone, who should we blame? I know.. how about the person instead of their beliefs?

    More onto the subject, I believe Satan is a persecutor or a tester of mankind, possibly Satan is within everyone, it's how one resists tempations and such is how we are judged? As we are judged solely by our actions and it is within great torment we show our true colors and our true strength.

    You say "if God was perfect then why did we sin", possibly because it says that we were in his image, i do not believe we share the same characteristics as God, otherwise we in ourselves would be God, would know how to shape and manipulate the universe, create anything we wished for etc.

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