Satan's Powers?

Discussion in 'Christianity' started by skip, May 12, 2007.

  1. BlackGuardXIII

    BlackGuardXIII fera festiva

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    With Christians, I think Satan is pretty much allowed to do what he wants. Of course, people who don't believe in Satan are likely out of his jurisdiction. In his activities with Christians, though, I feel he does his works by various means, most of them nasty. He cheats, lies, betrays, tricks, traps, back-stabs, and generally uses dishonorable, cowardly tactics. In other words, I doubt he fights fair. Compare his methods to the Oakland Raiders football teams coached by John Madden. They were masters of the cheapshot. Of course, Satan would make them look like rookies.
  2. Dark||Nomad

    Dark||Nomad Member

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    I do not see how Satan logically fits into Christianity.

    If God is all powerful, why does he allow Satan to exist?

    IF ANYTHING Satan is not evil, but someone who works for god to "test". But if god is all powerful and is everywhere at once he doesnt need angels, or testers, he can do it himself.

    Go a bit further, if god is everything and everywhere and all that jazz then God is not a HE. God is not going to have a penis and male reproductive organs or a lot of testosterone. He is not going to be ANGRY and smote thee with his wrath. The counter argument is of course that I dont know God, but seriously think about what I have said.

    Come on people think about it, wake up.
  3. heru

    heru Banned

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    its lost knowledge but the myth of osiris is about the 2nd coming of christ - he gets reincarnated and loses his idenity and set kills osiris with sin - set is lucifer -horus awakens -set and horus have a long battle- set quits sinning and becomes horus who is the 2nd coming of jesus-horus is the reincarnation of Ra who is the creator- isis is mary magdalin who helps horus awaken -and thats how the devil decieved the whole world- lucifer is the planet venus when it is the morningstar = the lion of judah
  4. BlackGuardXIII

    BlackGuardXIII fera festiva

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    Agree on the preacher point. I am a long-suffering Raiders fan, and was just pointing out that at that time they were unapologetic cheaters. To me, a win isn't worth a crap if you have to cheat to do it.
    I wasn't crying. And who told you I wear panties?
  5. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    Chief Cowpie wears panties, so it must be OK! ;)
  6. legend 1967

    legend 1967 Member

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    hi hippiechick,

    People are his tools, membership or purported belief in a particular
    religion is not controlling,please consider, are their deeds or
    actions evil?
    Look for possible signs of improper motivatation.
  7. hippie_chick666

    hippie_chick666 Senior Member

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    So people who have selfish motivations are tools of Satan?

    Peace and love
  8. legend 1967

    legend 1967 Member

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    Hi hippie chick,
    Question presented: Do you consider Adolf Hitler a tool of Satan?
    Do you consider any of his deeds or actions evil?

    Interesting that you consider Improper motivation as being selfish.
  9. hippie_chick666

    hippie_chick666 Senior Member

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    No I don't. He was a very sick man with delusions and should have been committed instead of running a country. I think his mental condition should be examined (meth addiction, tertiary syphillus, parkinson's disorder) before people claim he was a tool of the devil. He wasn't playing with a full deck of cards, so to say.

    What is your basis for calling him a tool of the devil? He believed in christ the savior, which makes him christian.

    Peace and love
  10. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    Well he certainly took up where the Inquisitions left off...

    Finish off those jews, gays, and gypsys, few of whom tithed to the Church.

    Steal their valuables, down to their gold teeth, hair and skin!

    More glory to God!

    While I don't think Hitler was controlled in anyway by the Church, they no doubt approved of much of what he did, and they were quite pleased he didn't fuck with them, as he could easily have done. In fact if he had, perhaps he wouldn't have lost the war. Imagine if Hitler had raided every church and stolen their valuables! But I guess the German people might've finally woken up if he did!
  11. misterrain

    misterrain Banned

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    Please tell me why such a die-hard Christian chose a SWASTIKA as his symbol??? Considering it has always been and remains to this day a religious symbol in ASIA, to the extent that it is carved into the statues in front of BUDDHIST temples... and you can, in fact, buy swastika pendants at their gift shops.

    This argument is so moronic it's embarrassing. I mean, so many people here have knocked it down so many times, and yet it keeps coming back. I guess no one gets embarrassed as long as they never back down, right?

    We should really learn to separate our politics from our religion.
  12. mandell

    mandell Banned

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    Unfortunately, Adolf Hitler, even Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson and many right-wing, fundamentalist Christians of today do not separate religion and politics.
  13. misterrain

    misterrain Banned

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    You quote my point, don't respond, and group Adolf Hitler together with some modern-day nuts as if they're all buddies despite Adolf Hitler having been born in the 19th century.

    Arguing with you is like arguing with a strange and pointless prerecorded message.
  14. mandell

    mandell Banned

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    Yeah, well it's the same logic as grouping together Jesus and some modern-day nutcase like you. :)
  15. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    The story of the swastika in Nazi Germany is a very interesting one. It seems the propagandists were looking for a new symbol that had mystical significance, yet wasn't seen as being Christian. Perhaps this was to hide the conspiracy with the Church?

    BTW, Native Americans including the Hopi and Navaho ALSO use the swastika. Its use goes back to Neolithic times! It's also a symbol of good luck and success.

    It was this ANCIENT use of the symbol, which appeared in Germany before the Christian era (Germany was one of the last European nations to become Christian), that attracted the Nazis.

    Because it represented a time when Germans were strong and independent, it was used to represent the resurgence of Aryan pride - the Third Reich.

    It had absolutely NOTHING to do with Buddhism, in the Nazi mind.
  16. misterrain

    misterrain Banned

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    How could they choose a symbol which Buddhists in Northeastern Asia had been using for so long and NOT be aware of its connection to Buddhism?? I mean, there were an awful lot of Nazis in Germany then... you'd think that maybe someone would have pointed it out.

    And hey... why was Hitler looking into ancient religious symbols when choosing his symbol in the first place? Could it be that he had some kind of interest in ancient mystical religions? Why would such a die-hard Christian who believed in nothing but Jesus and the cross and God be so interested in the symbols of ancient non-Christian religions????

    WHY would he choose a symbol that had been attached to these ancient mystical religions instead of just coming up with something new, and not related to any kind of ancient mystical religion???
  17. hippie_chick666

    hippie_chick666 Senior Member

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    I think the swastika was supposed to be an ancient symbol of "Aryan" power. Like other people said, it had nothing to do with Buddhism.

    Peace and love
  18. misterrain

    misterrain Banned

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    But it does have something to do with Buddhism, because it's still on the temples. I live in Korea and I see it every day. Surely he would have been aware of the connection.

    I mean, exactly what was Hitler trying to say? That Germany was casting off its Christianity and getting back to its pagan roots?? Perhaps...

    Wow... it's kinda funny how defensive people get when you suggest a link between Hitler and Buddhism. It's almost as if you're attacking their religion!!!
  19. misterrain

    misterrain Banned

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    One thing's for sure, it's not a Christian symbol... and has a long history, which means it is more associated with ancient religions than with Christianity. So my point is valid...

    It would follow that Hitler was interested in ancient pagan religions because he wanted to replace Christianity. I mean, if Aryan glory predated Christianity and Hitler wanted to recapture that, then wouldn't he see Christianity as a kind of obstacle to recapturing that glory? Not to mention that whole thing about the 'thou shalt not kill' commandment.

    And while we're on it, how do you explain Stalin, leader of a COMMUNIST country (that means NO religion-- opium of the people, Marxism, right?)... being one of the biggest mass murderers of the 20th century?
  20. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    It's easy, Stalin was really Satan in disguise. Notice the similarity in names. :)

    Now you need not think about it anymore. He's Satan, and that's that.

    Isn't life simple for Christians?

    No need to THINK!

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