Does anyone have any tips on making sandals? How about pants? I want to try making some of my own clothing this summer and any help would be appreciated. Peace&Love
where's hemp boy? is he still around? i know he made a pair of hemp sandals. i make sole-less sandals out of hemp but they're really more foot jewelry then actual sandals.
I just made a pair of "Barefoot Sandals" myself! Made from beads and elastic thread. They look so pretty and give the illusion of sandals but the freedom of barefeet! I can't wait to wear them in some public places and see what kind of reactions I get. I am normally not very daring to go into stores and stuff barefoot
i've gone barefoot in rite aid, 7-11, dunkin' donuts, a small local grocery, and a lots of other places. i went into spot coffee with long bellbottoms and my sole-less sandals and no one said anything, but when i went in barefoot with a slightly shorter skirt they made me put shoes on, so i guess they do make a difference.
when i was little i had a craft book that had instructions to make sandals out of old newspapers. they looked cute but ya couldnt wear em in the rain LOL
I made some barefoot sandals a while back out of hemp, and stuck a bunch of little bells on them, they're really pretty and they jingle when you walk or dance, I just love 'em ) for whoever asked, it's real simple, but I'm not sure explaining it here is gonna help much. Basicly what you're gonna do (this is if you're using elastic, like the other sister said, not hemp cause I have no clue how to explain that, lol) is start with a really long piece of elastic. Mesure from the middle of the back of your ankle (where the clasp would be) to the middle of the front, and put a bead (prolbably with a crimp in front of it) there (on to the elastic). Then mesure from that point to the bottom of your second toe (the one right next to the big toe) and put a bead and crimp there (you may wann do crimp then bead on this part, to be sure the bead won't move all around). Now, take the elastic, bring it around your toe, and put it back through the crimp and the bead, and clamp down the crimp. Then just bring the elastic back down to the middle of the front of your ankle (it's going to be on the opposite side that you started from now) put it through the first bead and crimp, clamp that crimp down, bring the elastic to the back of your ankle, and put the other end of your clasp on, and you're done! I hope that made sense, if not, PM me and I'll try to explain it better, good luck!
Ok, here is a pic of the sandal: And here it is on my foot: Yes... I know my leg is hairy LOL My husband is an Over The Road Truck Driver so he is gone all week. Nobody else looks at my legs so I haven't shaved.... The pattern I used I made up from doing a search on Google for barefoot sandal and looking at the different designs.
i would like to know how to make a "real" sandal out of hemp or crochet if anyone has any sites or advice it would be greatly appreciated. thanks
Yeah, I just need someone to give me some free soleless sandals because I'm artistically challenged. The most artsy thing I can do is gluing popsicle sticks together to make a log cabin or a pen-holder.
$3.75? Really? Do you have pictures of any of your work? PM me or IM me or whatever because that is in my price range. haha
I'm about to put some more up on ebay. I have a whole bunch that I was going to sell at Bonnaroo, but I need the money now. We don't have to go through ebay, though, if you want to use PayPal. I don't know. We can work it out if you like them. Here are some links to some I just sold: