So I was givin a pot with 6 or 8 little san pedro growing in it about a year and a half ago. the biggest one then was maybe half inch the biggest is about 1.5 inches maybe 2 tops. real question is how slow do these things grow and when can I trip on em lolol. I dont know a whole lot about this so I was hoping to catch some answers to my questions. should I be leaving them in there aswell or seperating them to theyr own pots??
NoxiousGas could better answer you.. Im sure he'd welcome a direct message on the subject. I do know they can grow feet in a season. ida guess 4foot in 3yrs .. I had a baby the size a lighter and it was the size a soda bottle in a year. sadly it got knocked over and I wasnt aware it could be saved as they are rugged.
You have to have a little bit of a green thumb to save one----I had one that was a good 3 1/2 feet and it got knocked over---so I thought I then had 4---but each piece developed cactus rot. Sadly I never got to enjoy the fruits of growing it for several years...