I wanted to let you know that there is a new "Private" section of Hip Forums for "Recovery". This section is for addicts and alcoholics who are in recovery (i.e. not using at all). It's a place to talk about your struggles and success, and to share support with others in the same situation. It is hidden from the rest of the forum, so bookmark it's location. http://www.hipforums.com/newforums/f...play.php?f=638 Also, it's password protected. The password is "onestep". Please do not give this password out to anyone. We carefully consider who we will invite to this section and we decide by group consensus. It is moderated by the members of that section. It is hidden, but any new thread started there will appear, with it's first few lines, in the "new posts" list of the whole forum. I hope that if you are committed to Recovery you will consider joining us there.
As a health care professional in long term recovery I would like your advise on how to attract more folks in recovery to this forum.