Well now, not a lot to say but Hello Just a kindred spirit by the name of Rob out here in Eastern PA(Lehigh Valley region to be precise, right on the border with Jersey)...22 years of age, wondering how I haven't managed to stumble into this place sooner... I'm a student of theology and philosophy, as well as the occult and all things paranormal/supernatural. I love books, films, games, and the net. I'm with a wonderful girl by the name of Natalie and we've got ourselves a happy little home filled with small, fuzzy animals...and I'm a gypsy by blood, so there's always a bit of wanderlust in me... Oh, and I tend to ramble and make posts far longer then they need to be...so before I'm guilty of doing that here, I'll stop. Take care, one and all! ps, here's links to a couple pics...fairly recent, but my hair is a good bit longer now. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v211/RobTheNerd/robclose.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v211/RobTheNerd/new2.jpg
Welcome Home Rob! Took ya long enuff. This place rocks, well, it's not really a place, but more like a cyber-hood. I only been here a month and I am already a thread hog (I didn't realize the threads stick around as long as they do). The sisters are gonna dig you, judging from your snaps, he he. I am into theology as well, and philosophy is much needed on thris crazy ball of compressed dust we are shooting through the Universe on in trying times such as these. You'll get on fine here bro. Happy trailmix and see ya at some unexpected thread sometime. Peace, Viv-