The government puts it in the food for the military for basic training so they dont get boners or get sexually aroused.
They have always denied it, but ask anyone who has been through army or marine basic training and they will all say no sexual urges
Saltpeter has NO effect on libido. Bogus thread. People going through basic training have more important things to focus on then jacking off.
While i will agree that they have more important things to focus on then "jacking off", it does not negate the fact that something is going on. You cant just call "bogus thread" and if you do, who cares? Anyway, its not bogus man. It just isn't.
Yea, the thing that is "going on" is having drill instructors around you 24/7. It's pretty simple to understand. Wheres that rolls eyes emoticon when you need it.
Dude, do you know how to research stuff on the web? you gotta give more citation than just your own words. Search "military saltpeter recruit food" Check it. Heres a search result from the well known pro-military site "stars and stripes" Now you might say something like, " yeah of course they are gonna deny it, they are fucking stars and stripes for fucksake!" Here's a result thats more in your favor...
There are far worse things the government does secretly than that. You'd have to be a moron to want to even join the military in the first place. You're putting your life on the line so a handful of rich men can profit off the spoils of their wars you signed on to fight. Something to inhibit boners is hardly noteworthy by comparison. The US military also dispensed blankets contaminated with smallpox to Native Americans. How about the Tuskegee experiment? Or MKUltra? Go figure. Pretty much everything the government does is secret. What it wants you to know it simply makes up. And most people will believe it with no questions asked.