Sakae Naa!

Discussion in 'Exotic Psychedelic Plants' started by Coz the Shroom, Aug 8, 2023.

  1. Coz the Shroom

    Coz the Shroom Members

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    Very interesting and I'm not sure my results will agree with the majority of people.
    Sakae Naa is sold as a substitute for Kratom-- and Kratom is NOT one of my favorite legal highs. I've used that stuff off and on since the 90'ss and I don't even like it a little anymore. Kratom, to me, only has a buzz in high doses-- always higher than the dose that causes nausea. It feels very taxing to me, and in recent years, honestly yucky and dysphoric.

    This being the case, and given that I enjoy sedative herbs a lot, I tried something a few years ago called akuama, which is supposed to be a kratom substitute... well.... it is.... that's why I did NOT like akuama either! Felt too much like kratom.
    Well I was ordering some Mulungu and noticed that they had this stuff too. Many people say Sakae Naa is used chiefly as a stimulant .... but further comparisons say Sakae Naa is weaker and mellow.
    Well whatever the case my be, having tried it I am very pleased. I don't think anyone who wants Kratom or anything like it will enjoy this, but I find it relaxing. Mild though it may be, there's a little euphoria, not dysphoria. It doesn't feel taxing, it feels refreshing! Like a sparkly sensation in my head.
    Later, I'll try at a higher dose and see if can get a better buzz out of this.
    Feeling of tranquility with a little bit of pleasant tingling in my head. I'm going to take a couple more and see if it gets better. This goes real well with weed too.
    I do believe I like this Sakae Naa!
    It is a pity information on this is so hard to find, except for comparisons with Kratom.
    I was afraid this would be another akuama for me!
    Toker likes this.
  2. Toker

    Toker Lifetime Supporter

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    Never heard of it, thanks for the info.
  3. Coz the Shroom

    Coz the Shroom Members

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    Supposedly much stronger when smoked, so I would buy the leaf if I were you, Toker. I certainly want to try it. Doubling it up last night certainly didn't do much, but when I had a beer it felt like I had just had three, so I'm guessing this stuff works on the GABA receptors-- for me that would explain why I like this stuff better than Kratom.
  4. Coz the Shroom

    Coz the Shroom Members

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    Toker, the Sakae Naa felt a little bit like Kanna last night! Kanna extract (I used to do it with plant powder, GOD that hurt my face!) snorted is really euphoric, though not terribly strong.

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