Saddest Photo Today But Should Makes Us Think...

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by xenxan, Jul 22, 2015.

  1. xenxan

    xenxan Visitor

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    GLENGLEN Banned

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    I Had My Doubts As To Wether I Should Click On That First Thing In The Morning,

    But I'm Glad I Did.... :)

    Cheers Glen.
  3. Metal Groomp

    Metal Groomp Members

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    Oh, how beautiful! That was a nice story to read and the photo just looks heartbreaking. I don't get why animal shelters put down dogs, though. It's really sad to think that the dogs aren't given much of a second chance and a loving home and then they put them down. Why do they do that?
  4. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    It's unfortunate but most shelters are over maximum population at any given time and there's more animals arriving daily. Not saying it's right, but that's why it's happening.
  5. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I am so happy those two were saved, but I am so sad for those who are not, who are abused ona daily basis suffering torments not many can imagine, is a real sore spot for me....the insanity and discarded life....:(

    and yes, i do believe that they do know.
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  6. xenxan

    xenxan Visitor

    There needs to be a crack down on backyard dog factories. I know unrealistic, but that will be the only way this can stop.

    It shows the lack of understanding we humans have for animals. We can quickly wash our hands and put it out of our minds. It's just an animal (not my thought, I think they are better then us humans. What other species kills millions of its own kind over, intentionally)
    A death row inmate who kills 10 people, gets better treatment with more outrage and concern then a poor animal who did nothing but be born.
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  7. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    i think science figured out every thing with a brain experiences every thing, and is as much of an individual, as each and every one of ourselves, at least a good 30 or 40 years ago.
    as if people didn't know this all along, when they weren't brainwashing each other into lying to themselves to pretend otherwise.

    beliefs were created to try to get people to not want to hurt each other,
    but to get people to go along it, they threw the ego a bone of letting humans pretend their species and their planet was somehow better then everything else.

    not every belief does that, just the most common ones in the most dominant nations.

    some percentage of people get over that, some don't.
    a few even manage to figure out, that while there might be all kinds of gods,
    what they think they know about them, they made up, each other, themselves

    the only thing special about humans, the only thing that makes different then most other creatures on this planet
    is how much we love to create and imagine things
    and so we've created so much, surrounded ourselves with the result of doing so, we feel insulated and special and a thing apart

    imagining and creating are good things
    but thinking they make us something more special then other life is nonsense
  8. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    themnax, it is really quite unfathomable what our species does to the other life on this planet.......I know not all of our species disregards other life forms, and cannot empathasize that other life forms feel pain, feel sadness, too......and it makes me so sad that i don't even want to be part of the human race some a whole......It is incomprehensible to me.
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  9. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    well that's the problem with land being bought and sold. it forgets other things live there and need it to, and how much we need for there to be all kinds of things,
    for what we need ourselves to exist.
    as for being, i don't think bodies have anything to do with what we are, its just what we live in.
    every world that has creative beings, people look all different from one world to another.
    human to me is just a superficial thing, of how people on this world look.

    so i don't really think in terms of wanting to be or not be.

    no one is born hating logic. people teach each other that.
    if the species survives itself long enough, it will be good to forget to do so.

    things coming up may likely force us to forget illogic, indifference and thoughtlessness, in order to survive.
    other changes may come about also.

    shame is the tyranny that is aggressiveness when we are able to know better.

    i try not to look at the sad side that much. i know its there. i remind people all the time how we create it. because its just how i am, and would be much happier not having to.
    there is another side. there is how we could be.
    and i like to think of that. the mechanical side of that other side. because that's more interesting to me.
    how we could have a world with things we enjoy for everyone, without the blindly wasteful destructive ways we do so many things and think so often in terms of.

    its not beyond us. its not beyond what can and will be.
    people chose power over sanity at the beginning of the middle ages
    that caused a thousand years of poverty
    in one sense we broke out of that with steam and steel
    in a more important sense we have yet to

    but we can and do learn, and things do change
  10. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    themnax, I speak of things you just cannot teach anyone.
  11. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    It's disgusting that humans have so little regard for our fellow creatures. Especially the little ones like cats and dogs that just want to love and be loved by a caring human. When I read the paper, there are dozens and dozens of adds for dogs from breeders, even as millions of loving little animals are put down. It's fucked and it hurts to think about it.
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  12. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I know, scratcho...i know....

    i think of commercial farming, too, and animals lined up for slaughter each and every day. They know...they scream....they know by what happens to the one in line before them....leading miserable lives until....:(
  13. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I got cured when I visited the slaughterhouse in Hanford, Cal. (it was closed recently because of some kind of mistreatment situation),and it was horrible to see. Sometimes they're not even dead when the cutting begins.
  14. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    OMG...I cannot even visit one of those places....from what I see of them on TV...I am upset and disgusted, sad and sick for days.....I could not bear seeing it in real life and not being able to halt it....I'd die.....
  15. xenxan

    xenxan Visitor

    There is a video called Earthlings. A hard to watch video on the cruelty we bestow upon our fellow brothers. It is a video basically to guilt you into Veganism, and that is fine, BUT, I am of the opinion that animals are also here for us, in that i mean food. It has been that way since the beginning. The difference is HUMANS have humane ways to process these animals, to give them the respect of their cause, we are not Lions on the plains of the Savannah but in saying that, those animals also have their death much quicker and Humane then some in a Slaughter house.

    Money and profits drive us, if it is cheaper then do it, too expensive, well find a cheaper route

    Backyard animal sales will never stop. People will happily toss a dog to the pound if the dog cost you $50 but not so much if you paid $500

    Can't spell Humane without Human GRAPHIC CONTENT WARNING
  16. The one dog appears to be hugging the other dog, as if to say, "Take my friend, here, he's a good dog. I will miss him, but I want you to give him a home." Look how lovable he or she makes the other dog seem, and, in turn, him or herself seem. Clearly these two dogs deserve good homes. I will say one thing they may not be consciously aware of, though: the fact that they are adorable.
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  17. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    It's cute and all, sad even, but I'm not going to sit here and pretend that those dogs were "hugging" one another out of emotion of their surroundings or anything. My dog literally does that to me every time i sit down, his paws hug my legs or arms or my body. But I know he's not "hugging" me in a sense, if anything he's gesturing me to go play with him.

    And I also think it's ridiculous that humans write their own feelings for the dog just gain any sort of emotion from the general public. Like "my name is so and so and I'm really sad, please share my picture". Etc. For all we know dog getting hugged was on the floor 5 seconds after photo was snapped wrestling with the hugging dog. I definitely know how hard it is to snap a picture of my dog without him looking all sad. I have to tease him with food to get his attention, his ears to stand up and his big pink tongue hanging out to the side. That's the good snapshot of a shepherd.
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  18. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    imagination is a powerful tool..
  19. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Also very manipulating too.
  20. xenxan

    xenxan Visitor

    I agree on the Humans "writing" the dogs story, a bit arrogant, like we know what is being thought.

    I used to have a dog that hugged us as well. She used to come up behind us and wrap her front legs around our necks, then run off. I believe they hug us emotionally. We see videos of cats helping dogs in certain situations or dogs rescuing humans (or at least raising the alarm flag) or Dolphins helping humans or pets dieing not long after their owner does.

    Speaking of Dolphins, here is a video of a Dolphin with fishing line entangling it seeking assistance from a diver.

    I believe they have and can show just as much emotion as we do, only in their own way and I know it is hard to understand or rationalize outside of the understanding of emotions from the Human Being perspective. Comparing the emotion of a Dog to its owner is harder to associate then a Boy to his Dad and that is on us as Humans, we choose to not believe they have the same emotion towards us as we do them. The Boy relays on his Dad as the Pet relays on its owner, to be fed, housed, taught and loved.

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