Russian Aeroplane Has Crashed In Egypt

Discussion in 'Latest Hip News Stories' started by stormountainman, Oct 31, 2015.

  1. stormountainman

    stormountainman Soy Un Truckero

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    A Russian aeroplane has crashed in the Sinai Desert with 224 people on board. The plane is an Airbus A321 which has a good safety record. It crashed soon after reaching 31,000ft in altitude. There has been no official cause of the crash issued by the government of Egypt; however, The Sinai desert is a stronghold of the IS & Muslim Brotherhood who are fighting the government of Egypt, and are likely behind what had happened. The plane is Russian and the IS is angry at the Russians for attacks on them in Syria and Iraq. The government of Israel has offered to help in rescue and investigation. There has been no claim from IS or the Muslim Brotherhood concerning the incident.
  2. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    or the plane could have simply crashed, you know, an accident.
    stop looking for things to be paranoid about, would ya, you may find life a little more enjoyable.
  3. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Lol, Noxious: isn't OP saying exactly that. It merely adds more info on how it is really unfortune for possible survivors that it crashed in extremist nutbag territory.
    Not saying with certainy it was shot down, although it is not completely crazy to hold that option open (right?).
    Maybe you are overly focussing on OP because you don't like how he brought his point across in other threads. Hmm, seems a consistent habit of yours. And an understandable one, it just is not apparent here. It is just some russian news. Anybody has the right to share it. There is no crazy assertion being made so far.
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  4. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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  5. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    Let's wait and see what comes out before rushing to judgement.
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  6. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    There is no judgement being made with certainty so far?

    I read "are likely behind what has happened". It doesn't get more certain than that. As I said, it is not that crazy to consider and it is not claimed to be certain at all. OP just finds it a likely possibility.

    About the sinai desert being an unsafe area because of the presence of both IS and forces of the muslim brotherhood (who both have serious problems with the egyptian government and are acting upon that): I've noticed more legit sources reporting that. Are you saying it is complete bogus?
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  7. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    no, just that Stormman has the propensity to take any event and turn into some major cataclysmic that will surely lead us all to WWIII, and all because of the how racist Americans are, except for Stormman of course.

    the sky is blue
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  8. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    I agree that the WW3 is near thread was a bit over the top on itself. And I also have the feeling OP places too much trust in russians news sites at times (that they are better than fox news doesn't say a lot :p). And.. that he sometimes makes great points which he ruins by the way he brings them across (when talking about texans for example). But I would not laugh every new thread, post or point he tries to make away because of that. Maybe try a more constructive approach as OP surely showed that he some good points to make.
  9. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    Unfortunately, in that part of the world, anything is possible.

    We need to keep all the personal animosity out of news threads.
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  10. stormountainman

    stormountainman Soy Un Truckero

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    Hi Asmo, just a few days ago the Russian news reported that 50 TONS of weapons and ammunition was dropped by the US troops for the Syrian Rebels. Like the 30 prior drops of military supplies by the US troops, this one has ended up in the wrong hands. The Syrian Rebels, and The Kurds say they did not get them. The El Nusra might have passed them on to IS. Among these supplies were shoulder fired heat seeking missiles that are designed to shoot down planes. In the hands of the Afghans, they decimated the Russian helicopter fleet in The Eighties. It is also common knowledge and common political opinion around the world that the US is angry about Russian help to Syria and Iraq. I trust the Russian and Arabic news on this one. I won't pay spit for American news these days.
  11. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    This thread has played out like a typical HF thread lol.

    I think it is feasible it was shot down. Also feasible it was just a crash in an unfortunate part of the world.
  12. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Russian news is seriously under the influence of russian government, Stormountainman. I'm not saying american media are unbiased or to be trusted (esp. to trust any news source blindly is setting yourself up for disappointment anyway, we should always question things) but to put more trust in russian news sources on this matter (for what reason exactly?) is really really unwise. You can't trust russian news. They have twisted facts on their syrian involvement already. For example, it is now certain russian airforce started bombing with a focus on anti Assad forces of the free syrian army, although it was assured IS and other extremist forces would be the main target (which were in a different area of the country that was targeted so it was really not some kind of accident).
  13. mallyboppa

    mallyboppa Senior Member

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    There were no survivors from this Tragedy! Surely this is more relevant than who said what about who ?

    FWIW news sources say it was unlikely that it was shot down !
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  14. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    I don't recommend giving blind, unquestioning trust to anyone or anything, except people you've known for a long time. Every news source is just one more source to consider.
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  15. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    But by using our brain we can find out which news source, or news item for that matter (sometimes it is just to be narrowed done llke that) is more credible than others. This is why people ask more questions when an article is from for example fox news, or russia today, etc. etc. There are valid reasons for that.
  16. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    I heard (on an American news channel) that Putin recently made it illegal for journalists to report on any Russian deaths or injuries. I don't think Russian media is exactly credible.
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  17. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Hey, that gives it certainly a reason that it could be biased info and even if it is a legit news channel it is worthy to question the objectiviity of this news. Now if we give a shit we can easily check if it is the only news source that reported such a fact, and if there are more which news sources those are (could they have the same motive?). On what does the item say it is basing this on.
    If we do this often enough you will find out that even though western media is indeed also guilty of a subjective approach (and sometimes also of twisting the facts of course), the ones who are most often blatantly lying about the facts are the russian media. At least for most western media it is not policy to invent alternative facts :p
  18. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    Of course.
  19. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    BBC news (fairly accurate usually IMO) is saying that experts claim the plane was flying too high for the hand held anti-aircraft missiles used by IS to have hit it.
  20. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    Also, the pilot reported problems before the crash, not an attack.

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