
Discussion in 'New Movies' started by Shale, Sep 29, 2013.

  1. Shale

    Shale ~

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    Movie Blurb by Shale
    September 29, 2013

    First off I am not a normal 'guy.' Never interested in sports of any kind or the normal competitive stuff guys are into. But Invictus got me riled up for the Springboks so I figured why not see a movie about Formula One racing in the mid seventies. Well, OK, I am a normal guy who hoped to see a shirtless Chris Hemsworth in this movie and got a bonus of a full nude backshot of this hunk (so now some girls might be interested in high speed race driver movies).

    This movie is based on true events about the competition between two race car drivers for the world title. If you are into that sport you know of the actual events and you may like this movie for an accurate portrayal (Niki Lauda worked with screenwriter Peter Morgan). However, if like me, you do not have a clue as to what happened, DO NOT GOOGLE IT! You will get more excitement from this movie not knowing what is about to happen in this most dangerous competition in the '70s before all the safety measures have cut all the deaths down to one every couple of decades instead of a 20% chance of not surviving any given competition.

    The story follows the racing careers of Grand Prix drivers James Hunt (Hemsworth) of England and Niki Lauda (Daniel Brühl) of Austria.

    Hunt & Lauda

    The two personalities are so different with the flamboyant, partying womanizer Hunt and the more intense, technical and emotionless Lauda but they both were top notch at driving and fiercely competing to be the world champion.

    Hunt with Groupies

    The story follows their career on the racetrack and their personal lives, including marriages (short lived for Hunt - more solid for Lauda) and the back scenes of how to get bankrolled and into the competition.

    But the thing that got me were the race scenes, some with car mounted cams, and the excitement of watching these flimsy machines running at 170 MPH in a crowded track. As Hunt described it, a bomb on wheels. Guess I have that testosterone in me after all.

    Hunt's Car Running on Wet Track

    Rottentomatoes aggregate reviewers gave this movie an 88% fresh rating and 94% of audiences, including me, liked it. I would recommend it for anyone into those manly things like fast cars, cute chicks and even Chris Hemsworth's nude backside. BTW, it is rated R. It was a well-made and entertaining movie.

    And, the casting & makeup were excellent.

    Niki Lauda & James Hunt in 1976

  2. Mike Suicide

    Mike Suicide Sweet and Tender Hooligan

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    I clicked this thinking it was about the band Rush
  3. SunLion

    SunLion Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    There is also a movie called Rush. It is about two junkie narcs and features Gregg Allmann.

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