yuppers i have voted for him....2 times actually.....he is the one that deserves to win....he never lost who he was as a person the whole time like everybody else did.....and also he is from here in indy....
cool i've voted for him a bunch of times i figured out how to do a mouse macro that will vote for him over and over again, so when i'm afk, i set up the macro and let it vote (and vote and vote and vote... LOL) i wish that the results so far were available on the cbs site.
me too....but i think they don't have them on there so that it will be a surprise when it happens....but i think that everyone knows that rupert has the best chance of winning....he is just an average person who became famous because he is this big burly guy who actually is the sweetest person......and the fact that his life revolves around his family and the troubled teens that he helps....
i have my fingers crossed that he will win tonite....i know that he will...but when that show is on they are going to be showing the series finale of 'frasier' on nbc.....so i guess tonite is really must see tv...but on what channel.....i am going to watch the survivor thing and tape 'frasier'.....good luck to rupert!