Teach me to breath properly. I'm very eager to learn. Lol. *plonk* Now that's a lot better.*sirens* Come on officer. He attacked me. It was self defence. It was a pre emptive measure that I had to take to prevent the harm that I was sure he would do if I did not push him first. *police*Makes a lot of sense, mate. Enjoy your day. You biker, leave him a lone.
I know it sounds odd but start counting when u run. I run ive always been a runner but in high school my criss country coach said to count to pace your breathing I could finish and I was never out of breath I now run just because I like to and I still do eventually u won't need to count you'll learn how to breath to not pant lol
Probably also trying to run too fast.Take a lil bit relax,then slow down.One of the biggest mistakes beginners make is to run too fast.Also concentrate on breathing from deep down in their belly,if they have to,take walking breaks.It's normal and natural phenomina breathe through our nose and mouth at the same time.Trying to keep your mouth slightly open,your jaw muscles.
Try drinking more water. Your blood volume depends on your water level. If dehydrated, thick, sluggish blood will not work efficiently to deliver oxygen and you'll poop out earlier.
make sure you start slowly with amount you are running and "work up" to the goal you have....I run a lot and I see way too many people that try to run too far too fast.....kinda the old story of "one step at a time".....
this is true above.....you cannot simply jump into running distances without slowly easing into it....build your endurance carrying less body weight really does help especially on your joints