You are not breathing properly if your running out of your breath!! I would try to concentrate more on your breathing technique and the rest will come naturally, your body will follow your breathe and keep going with it.
I found two solutions. One of them I even found by mistake. The first one is to open the window to get more oxygen. The dude who ran on the mill next to me did it and it made such a difference. The second solution was to take a little bottle of water with me. Water has oxygen. Just a sip helped me to carry on running. The next problem I had were swellings on my foot, but I know what I do about those. I prick it, slowly peel that extra skin away and carry on running. Brilliant, huh?
By drinking it. The body does the rest of the complicated work. Yesterday I got t a blister the size of my palm after running. After carefully removing the skin it feels like I am walking on fire.
I did not notice it until later. The fact that my older sister had locked herself out of her flat and was too lazy to get someone to break open her door, so that I had to run around to find people to open it only to find out that she found the keys she thought were still in her flat could have contributed to things getting bad. It should have healed by tomorrow, when I run again though. The body rules, sometimes.
I'll just put it like this. When you are out of breath when you run, it helps to drink water. Whether the oxygen in the water has anything to do with it, I honestly do not know. It just works.
Just imagine that you are being chased through a house with no open windows and Oh god NO ! there is no water to drink !! what will you do??! you will run out of breath haha i know the easy way is to open windows and drink water , the hard part is learning something new , like breathing properly..... yes its harder to do and takes time to learn but i would think its worth it.
shove a biker that'll get you going. whichever way you look at it unless you move quick you're fucked :biker: