I'll run away with you!! I've been itchin' to say "fuck everything" and just hit the highway but I've got it too easy where I'm at now. How do you want to do this; hitchhike, hop freights, ride bikes, I'm open to whatever...
i hate cars, so hitchhiking's out. we could walk, so ol'hippie could keep up (i have asthma so that's not a bad idea.) or we could get a gypsy wagon and make our way telling fortunes. or we could comandeer a pirate ship. i'd be the captain, and we could kidnap johnny depp & force him to be my "cabin boy". or we could grow wings and fly!
hey hop in my wagon *stolls up with an old red rusty wagon that goes CREEEEK everytime the wheels move*
We could put wheels on a pirate ship and haul it around with mountain bikes and tell fortunes and plunder small villages!!!
Nayh, yar not drunk anuf matey *passes bottle or rum to makno* n I wont be swabbin' no decks whilst thar's pillagin' ta be dun.
foods no problem when you're on the road once you know your way around. You might have some hungry days in the meantime though.
Aye, sure Lass, I'll run away with ya but Johnnie Depp is mine o'er there'll be keelhaul'in at noon, arrrrrr!
But I'd consider it a wonderful pleasure to travel with you. Come, let us, throw off these shackles of mundane life & go off in search of mythic adventure, you & I. (I'm only half as weird as I sound, I promise.)
why dont we all just go to the peace conspiracy show!jun 19-21 or completely fucking runaway with the rainbow fam. ....i kinda liked the idea of thalia being my waitress on a pirat ship better!!