Hello everyone. I am ancient powers. I have been on here a long time but rarely come on here anymore. I feel compelled to write you all, to tell you more of what I have learned since I have last been upon the shores of the hip. I have studied psychedelic entheogens for most of my life and have done lots of personal research. A lot of my older work is posted here. Mostly just starting out stuff and the like. I had some decent amateur work that changed the world a tad bit. But nothing on what I got going on now. But the reason for my writing today is to give a more advanced lesson. We cannot do this alone and need one another to strengthen and share ideas. Obviously there is one Ally that is queen supreme above all other entheogens and her name is cannabis. She is the end all be all. She is almost legal and is used by millions to improve the quality of life. But there is a mixture made that is the holy trio of my neo shamanic system. This is composed of my legal licensed medical marijuana, bud light and marlboro special blend light 100's. This is my party, my medicine after a long hard day of physical labor. I like to take a rip of cannabis in the am before work (wake and bake). But smoking cannabis all day makes me sleepy so I just wait to get home etc.. Drink my bud light since I drink so much, bud light gives the least hang over and marlboro special blend lights are cheaper then regular lights and 100's more bang for your buck. The spirits that guide me set this up for me. But to each there own. Obviously beer will make a chick fat quick. There is of course a diet that comes along with your lifestyle. You must find that diet. Eating makes you fat. So eat less. But eat whatever you want when you eat. Eat what you like to eat at certain times of day etc.. Know your body and yourself. But on to the good stuff There is a new entheogen which of course is not new. I have tested so many methods and mixtures. I can make any drug I desire with the right ingredients and tools. But there is one that is the in line for the ultimate high. Of course this is ayahuasca. With the ban on MHRB I of course tried acacia confusa with limited results compared to MHRB. And I have little experience with viridis or cabrerana. But MHRB I have had many trips. There is still hope that ayahuasca analogues and admixtures will still be available to us heads. So that being said. The rule of ayahuasca is that it is a journey to the inner world. You do not take ayahuasca at parties or concerts or even in nature. Not so much even in the daytime. Ayahuasca is brewed at home and in your bed you drink and lay and have alien dreamtime at night. This is what makes me a believer that the next regular entheogen to partake of is ayahuasca. The one you can drink at home and don't have to go out of the matrix into the wilderness, to achieve the high. So I have found a supplier of MHRB which I plan on testing. If this works I will of course stock up before obama takes it away. But I am confident I will. If I would have known obama was taking it away I would have stocked up when I hand the chance long ago. This is my last chance! So I will stock and travel!!! You can drink ayahuasca at home and travel. It opens up the head. You do not have to go anywhere but within. Next in line is San Pedro which of course is for the novice an masters. Beginners should use HBWRS or MGS. But either way these are both to be taken during the day in the wilderness outside the matrix. Salvia is is last in line. We had a love affair for awhile but she is jealous of cannabis and despises my drinking. Even though she is stocked in my inventory, she only comes out in times of meditation exercises. I have taken her into nature but she prefers the indoors dreamtime experience. She would rather have the sober apprentice who doesn't partake of the trio. But I still reverence her and would love to travel her path again someday. But the trio is the medicine for the hard working man. I don't have time to trip anymore like I used to. The trio keeps me thin, healthy and medicated. So for all you neo shamans out there let me share my wisdom with you. First for all those taking the plant path, let us come to terms. We need our regular entheogenic experiences. So ayahuasca is the best choice for the regular psychedelic experience. Not going into the science of it because its been said enough. But let us discuss preparation. MHRB and rue is the neo ayahuasca. This is where we get more bang for our buck and more of a guarantee. 20g mimosa, 3g rue. put in a glass blender add less then a cup of water and a squirt of lemon juice. You kind of want it to be thick at first. This powders it without it getting all dusty in the blender. Pour out your mixture into a cooking pot and remove the bottom of the blender jar to get out the debris and put in pot. Add some more water with lemon juice to make it soupy and simmer for 20min. Strain and recook material. Keep the cooked liquid. The material is extracted 3x with lemon water. The amount of lemon juice is not important its pretty powerful, a little goes a long way. Use your gut, but too much lemon juice is very acidic and increases nausea. After you have extracted the plant matter 3x. Discard plant matter and restrain your mixture through a fine mesh strainer into a french press. Clean your pot and pour mixture through french press and through clean fine mesh into pot to reheat and reduce. The presence of sediment may clog your french press. Just rinse the filter as it clogs and keep on keepin on. You my want to filter the ayahuasca mixture a few time more to ensure minimal sediment. Sediment will make you barf as well as too much lemon juice. Now being a coffee and tea drinker. I have figured out over the years that sipping your coffee and tea adds up over time. You want hot ayahuasca, helps with the flavor. Like hot coffee versus room temp coffee. Needs to be consumed hot. Hint: Viridis is in the coffee family. Drink it in a coffee cup and sip it as you wait for your visions. The beta carbolines make you sick since it chances the chemistry of your tummy. So slow is best. Holding the aya in your mouth helps acquire the taste and sublingual absorption. Drink your hot aya like coffee or tea in a comfortable place. Make sure to shower and put comfy pjs on b4 hand of course. Chill in bed or couch with your aya, sip and wait in silence until she comes. Then turn off the lights and have visions and continue sipping aya throughout the trip. 40gs MHRB and 6g rue. I was abducted by an alien presence and on the other side of that, I was the center of the universe. I was GOD. Everything that ever happened was because of me. I of course have been forever changed from the experience. San Pedro is a little different. The cactus is harvested. The top 1ft is planted in a 1 part potting soil, 1 part dirt, 1 part chicken poo mixture. The remaining column is cut into 3in chunks and the outer dark green layer, skin and spines are harvested and dried in a dehydrator. The cores discarded. The dried skins can be store for later use. The dried skins are crushed not powdered. The cooking is the same for the crushed san pedro as for ayahuasca. Use the same lemon water 3x method. Straining is a bit harder because of san pedros gooeyness. Use only a regular mesh for cooking strains, then fine mesh strainer no french press because it will get clogged. Use a regular strainer to strain the plant matter for recooking. Just use a spoon to sift the mixture in the strainer. 1ft san pedro equals 25gs dried skins. At 1% mescaline, 25gs dried skins = 250mgs mescaline. This is the formula for dosing. The mixture should be strained and allowed to cool. Can be put into 12oz plastic water bottles. San pedro should be consumed room temp. Straight from the bottle or poured in a cup. Better cold than hot for sure. Also fresh san pedro can be used at 250mg per 1ft. The cactus column is cut into thin star slices and or chopped. The star chunks are steeped in a crockpot for 12hrs on low in lemon water, then strained. The resultng mixture cooled, bottled and consumed. Get out of the matrix into nature. Find a place to chill away from distractions. Turn off your phone, take off your sunglasses and trip all day in nature. It is the best way! Now the final recipe! HBWRS discovered in the 60's! 4 seeds = 1 hit. On a vision quest I saw that seeds needed to be taken in pairs at least 4 pairs or hits at a time. Since HBWRS come in packages of 100. 25 seeds are used or 6 pairs. This is the most you will want to take for the ultimate lysergic high. First you must prepare the solution. This is done by steeping peppermint in lemon water. At least a tsp of leaf or a tea bag per 1 cup of lemon water. Steep and let cool. Powder 25 seeds in coffee grinder. Shake grinder as grinding. Put powdered seeds in a mason jar and pour cooled peppermint lemon water over seeds. At least a cup. Put in fridge and shake every 15min for 1 hr. strain through a fine mesh strainer into a french press then pour into a 12oz plastic water bottle. Now back in the day in Greece. They made a potion called the kykeon that was made of ergot infested grasses ( wheat, barley, rye, etc..). They mixed it with peppermint tea, filter and served it in a dark cave. You were only allowed to experience this show once in your life back then. Well now we have it in our own hands. The poisons in the lysergic grasses and seeds are not soluble in water and are removed via filtering. Don't eat the seeds. Especially if you consumed alcohol or its barf o rama and dying trips. Seen it more than once. Urban legend states that peppermint and or oil contains high levels of acetylcholine. Which is a neurotransmitter in humans. Somehow this reacts with LSA to make LSH. I am still testing this theory. But the last experiment involving peppermint oil in MGS tincture proved to be pretty damn novel. But I have since applied this knowledge. What I do know is peppermint is anti nauseating and can cover the taste of the HBWRS. Plus if it does produce novel LSH effects, there is no reason not use peppermint tea with lemon water as a suitable extracting solution. Same rule applies with convolvulacea as it does san pedro. Drink it during the day in off matrix wilderness areas for best results. Sip it out of the water bottle. Give it time to absorb. Hydrate with water to thin out the medicine in your tummy. this reduces nausea. Same with drinking aya. Have some water nearby to thin it out inside the tummy and help the absorption process. HBWRS to me are similar to san pedro. HBWRS are more for initiation. It is easier to consume than san pedro. San pedro is for serious experimenters compared to convolvulacae. I have had some great convolvulacea trips and favor it in my entheogenic pharmacopia. I hope this helps a wandering soul. This has been hard won knowledge I have been finally ready to share with the community. One last thing. Psilocybe is available online in the form of truffles. Very active. But the rules seems to apply. Even though I tripped balls. I was drunk and at home. The lesson learned was that I was to never again partake of psilocybe like that again and that the rule of san pedro and covolvulacea was to be applied. Trip in nature away from the matrix. Take the day off, shut off your phone, spend the day chilling with mother earth and the universe. Oh and don't drink alcohol while tripping in nature. Since then I took a friend of mine into the hills to a sacred place I know about. I let him partake of the choicest psilocybe I had. He testified of the glory of the wilderness experience compared to his playboy party life and vowed to make a serious revision of his expectations of the substance he has been using in other various settings. To all my brothers and sisters in this trippy life. I wish you all well and everything! Take this knowledge. Apply it and change the word by changing yourself! e