Anyone ever post up complete stories, and if so are any of them rude? I've written some quite strong erotic stories and posted them on another erotic stories site. Would I be breaking any rules if I posted one of them here?
Bilby, I've followed your advice and put up a story in a blog. My first ever blog as it happens, so presumably it's safe there and won't get removed or overwritten.
Rude, Crude and Lewd = A judgement by the peceiver and individual to their mind-set Eroticia too, is dependant on the interllectual capacity to comprehend the difference of Art and Artistic induldence. Lolita being a case in point - Love/Lust, Enchantment/Pervision? Best sticking to a Blog post - with perhaps a disclaimer "Don't read this if easily offended" would probably be the way forward - IMO