I just read that Roswell/Area 51 is about to be inundated with those who want to see alien beings. According to sources the military police will be ready and are on high alert. If the military base wasn't hiding anything then they would not be trying so hard to keep people out. The government is in fact hiding something and have been for years.
That's a given. There are a lot of other warehouses to hide the aliens and their crafts. Like I said before the military and government wouldn't try so hard to keep people out if they were not hiding things. Can you imagine them using captured alien technology to build a super weapon or even a real life Death Star? I can.
Something is definitely up though. Navy comes out with a new UFO protocols for their pilots! Feels like any day now they are just going to come out with it
I know half a million people said they were going on Facebook, I mean even I said i was going to one of the posts lol but I mean, do you really think even 5% of that would actually show up?
It's convenient that the government can get all the Interstellar Aliens to only land in a remote part of Nevada when they got an entire planet available. Maybe their spaceships aren't buoyant and that limits their options but still, they got a few continents. The government must have something there that has overwhelming appeal to the aliens.
The Death star was for blowing up planets in order to make other inhabited planets comply. What would they blow up in this case? Earth? After settling themselves on Mars or something? Lol. Yes i can imagine a lot.
What do you mean like:- Well they have to do something with former TV/Movie sets, and given that Hollywood has the skills to make out spectacular fantasy seem true ...…. oh the things theyl do to fleece the tourists
So you are saying the extra terrestrials are drawn here from our movies/tv? Like they think we possess technology that they don’t have?
I was thinking more of a natural occurence like some kind of weird gateway that happens to come out in that area. Not such a constructed one. Just speculating though and saying it might not be space travelling aliens as we so typically picture.
So you're suggesting the government has the power to contain aliens that can travel through interdimensional wormholes? or that Area 51 coincidentally happens to be located where an interdimensional wormhole is?
No - I'm saying that the populous of certain opinion can often be led by the imaginative dreams and perceptions that they sell - and not the realistic scientific probability - one makes profit by them the other educates - but, with no dollar gain
The latter. I'm not suggesting it is so btw. Just suggesting it could just as likely be closer to that than a crashed spaceship.
One could say that the triangle of Bermuda rather than Rosewell would be a better location for a Natural phenomenon of time and/or unnatural construction (?)