Anyone have luck with rooting hibiscus cuttings? I've tried: -Rooting in straight water, changing water every day. -Rootone and rock wool -No roottone and rockwool -Currently tried rootone in sphagnum peat. Some were cut at node, some well below. Some were roughed or slightly nicked where the rootone was applied (or not applied). I kept everything in high humidity with fresh air fanning. So far I haven't been able to use new green cuttings yet though. From what I have read this shouldn't matter. I just went to separate cuttings that have been acclimated to life outside the dome for at least a week. They've been in the sphagnum peat for a month. They felt like they had roots, but to my surprise, they did not. We've had high humidity here for a couple of weeks, so I guess that's what kept them green. Anyone have any advice?
Thanks Ranger. I will try air layering. I just looked up "The Dirt Doctor Howard Garrett". Thanks for tip. That's a good site.