Roll call... Colorado

Discussion in 'Colorado' started by drumminmama, May 23, 2004.

  1. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    who's here and what town?
    hailing from Strasburg for now, no peeking at the map (not that we are on it), looking to a city relocate (can't afford the rural hidden expenses much longer) in the summer.
  2. people_lovr

    people_lovr Member

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    hey girl. I know you know where i'm at. Wonder where all the other coloradans are hiding? I know there have got to be some.
    I had been wondering where you were at. Strasburg. what's it like out there?
    Are you thinking about relocating to like a big CITY elsewhere or somewhere within colorado?
    I'm moving back to Michigan in August. Good place to be if your up for leaving the area. Michigan is beautiful and lots of sweet peeps. :D
    ~love n hugs~
  3. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    Michigan? no way--too much WET snow...give me powder any day!

    Strasburg is small, flat, nonprogressive with a fabulous backdrop-- plains sunsets over the mountains. I get to Aurora in 30-35 minutes and downtown Denver in 45 and Boulder in an hour, hour 10. Add 30 for Nederland (go see the place before you leave... had a blizzard last week.. up 119 from you)

    Short of Costa Rica or Hawaii, "ain't no place I'd rather be" than Colorado. Even with today's heinous heat. A quick trip to Texas reminded me that DRY heat is liveable heat.

    Yeah... where are the other mountainfolk?!?!?
  4. thehipsterdufus

    thehipsterdufus Member

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    Hey, fellow mountain folk. I'm in Denver-- Parker, actually. No other place I'd rather be.

    I know what you mean about the DRY heat -- I grew up in Oklahoma. Hot, HUMID, armpit Oklahoma. I helped some friends move to Houston last Oct., when it was beautiful here, and still upper 80s there and soupy. They already want to move back.
  5. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    I moved to Colorado from Oklahoma three years ago.
    Where'd you grow up?
    Parker?!?!? the places I cover (reporter) all act like Parker and its growth are cooties!

    Moving to Englewood/Littleton area soon. By Sept.
  6. thehipsterdufus

    thehipsterdufus Member

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    Drummin, I grew up in Hennessey, which is a wide spot in the highway about 20 miles south of Enid, 75 miles NW of OKC. Think Mayberry.

    Parker is OK, but there is too much growth. Full of cookie-cutter, mass-produced houses and neighbors trying to keep up with their neighbors. I think Strasberg has had quite a bit of new construction, too, hasn't it?.

    Do you mind if I ask what/who you are a reporter for? PM me if you wish.
  7. Mrs.Plant

    Mrs.Plant Member

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    Hey Coloradans! I'm from Colorado Springs, but I'd much rather be in Denver. How's the weather on the other side of Palmer Divide? :)
  8. thehipsterdufus

    thehipsterdufus Member

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    well, a funnel cloud just passed by about a mile from my house :eek: :eek:

    other than that, it's fine

    (update that -- a TORNADO actually TOUCHED DOWN about a mile from my house -- glad it missed -- lightning struck my house last year, a tornado is all I need :p )

    sounds like things are really nasty out by drumminmama's area
  9. Mrs.Plant

    Mrs.Plant Member

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    Yeha, we had serious hail down here in the Springs yesterday evening! I was so freaked out driving in it. I mean, hail the size of golfballs. :eek: Not fun.
  10. eccofarmer

    eccofarmer Member

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    I will be moving back to Colorado around November or December
    of this year from the east coast.I am going to look at some houses in Fort collins in august and can not wait to get there.
  11. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    I know the Hennessy exit... because friends of mine, Red Dirt Rangers, cover "Friend of the Devil" and sub Cherokee with Hennessy.
    Weather was gross out here and it's been grey since. We had three tornadoes... geez, I'm trying to LEAVE Tornado Alley.
    So much for 350 days of sun yearly.
    I will be reporting in Littleton. Look for a new name in the Parker paper on some features with initials RL.
  12. StaggerLee917

    StaggerLee917 Member

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    I just moved to NM after living in Winter Park, CO for 2 years.

    I left my heart in the Centennial state tho!
  13. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    Winter Park?

    wow. I'd rather be in Santa Fe. Less skiers! ;P /ducks and runs
    Actually, I've always liked Santa Fe.

    I'm in Littleton now. half-mile from work and its a straight run downhill. So on that nasty snow day I can grab the trash can lid and saillllll!
    I work for The Highlands Ranch Herald (work for, not live there. cookie cutter houses, too)
    Sometimes my stuff goes to Parker Chronicle, a sister paper. I recently wrote about Freecycle. Hoping it made it to print!

    Last week I heard "snow:" in the mountain forecast on KUNC.
    Time to go gold seeking with the aspens. Too damn cold to pan for metal gold now.
    hey People-lovr, call me! Are ya uphill yet?
  14. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    Colorado joke from a list I'm on:

    A coloradan, texan and Californian are all at an outdoor party.
    THe Texan gets a wee bit drunk, throws his tequila bottle in the air and shoots it with a Colt 45.
    "Don't worry folks," he screams to the gathering, "there's plenty of tequila in Texas."
    The California steps up , throws a wine bottle in the air and fires a hunting rifle.
    "Don't worry, folks, there's PLENTY of red wine in California.
    The Coloradan finishes her Fat Tire 24 oz and tosses the botle high. She turns and peppers the Texan and Californian with a 9 mm pistol and catches the bottle.
    "Don't worry folks, she said, "there are PLENTY of Texans and Californians in Colorado, but I'm going to recycle this bottle."
  15. hayduke_lives5447

    hayduke_lives5447 Sancho

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    I'm in colorado, I live in englewood and work in boulder.
  16. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    Happy Birthday Stagger Lee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hayduke, how bad is that commute?

    All in Denver area, good music in Ned Fri 9/17 at the Acoustic. Billy from SCI and his wife. Will sell out, I can't make it, gotta move.. go dance for me!
  17. peaceband_chick

    peaceband_chick Member

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    Hello all, over in Grand Junction here. That's about all there is to say about that.
  18. smileyjohn

    smileyjohn Member

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    Hey fellow Coloradoans. I live in the Big Thompson Canyon on 17 acres a few miles outside of Estes Park by Rocky Mountain National Park. Fall and winter rock because all of the summer people (flat landers we call 'em here) have shut up their places and vamoosed until the spring. Ahhh.... sweet solitude.
  19. ColonelForbin44

    ColonelForbin44 Member

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    Attending school at VA TECH in Blacksburg, VA. Home town = Chattanooga, TN
  20. ColoradoKind

    ColoradoKind Member

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    I'm from Kansas but going to school in Greeley. Good to see Colorado represented by all you kind buds!

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