They're only available during the holidays and they're lighter and flakier than regular Ritz crackers, I highly recommend them. Get them while you can!
Ritz crackers are no near as good as they used to be.... They are now made with UNBLEACHED FLOUR which does affect the taste!! (They used to be made with enriched flour) I dont care for them anymore.......
Firecrackers? Oh my goodness, Pens...I thought you knew...its an edible that wastes NO product...put peanut butter (or I prefer cashew butter) on each side of a ritz cracker...put enough (roughly a 1/2 tsp per cracker or I might put a bit more, depending) on one side....close the crackers together and smooth the butter around the crackers so its like a good little sandwich, with all the stuff inside. Wrap up in aluminum foil, cook for 20 minutes at 325 deg. Take out, unwrap, and BE HAPPY! :hurray:
Nah. I knew the..... Well look at it this way. It's like knowing the word beer and knowing alcohol is in beer but not knowing anything else about it. That's about how much I knew about firecrackers despite hearing you talk about them for a couple years now.
That's've never asked and there was no reason for you to have learned that little bit of information and just stored away it in your brain. IF you had ever looked it up, some places say to use saltines, which is just plain dry and almost gross. lol I would NOT be happy and excited with saltine firecrackers. imo they are the easiest made, quickest, and still best tasting edible around. Plus you don't lose any product at all.
not sure if that low temp and short time is enough to de-carbolize all the thca into thc. it's usually low temp over hours or short really high temp, like smoking it. I should probably look it up....LOL
Huh?? I would think that you would prefer the less processed unbleached flour instead of the highly processed and then fucked with to make it actually nutritious again bleached flour. you got some fucked up notions about what to bitch and whine about.