Rise of the Fascist Pigs!~

Discussion in 'Latest Hip News Stories' started by wooleeheron, May 12, 2019.

  1. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    A reporter declined to reveal his source. Then police showed up at his front door with guns.

    NYC and LA are the two to watch for this kind of crap. Their billionaire mayor of NYC once arrested 26 reporters in one day only to receive a slap on the wrist. Even the major news outlets refused to try to sue the man, insisting there was no fucking way to make money taking a billionaire to court for the next twenty years. All the news outlets or anybody else cares about is the money involved, and the idea that morality will stop this from just getting worse over time is absurd. The mass media has become nothing more than another weapon for entrenched wealth to beat everyone over the head with.

    Blow up your TV before they fry your brain anymore with all the nonstop crap they spout. Most people I talked to never knew NYC arrest 26 reporters, and really were not terribly upset. In this guy's case, he may be lucky if the courts don't compel him to testify against himself, while they perform a cavity search.
  2. this is fun

    this is fun Banned

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    How about stop believing everything you read.
    Most of it is rubbish
  3. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Trust me, I read physics and science reports almost exclusively, and most of even those are rubbish! The amount of censorship is beginning to reach epic proportions. They are all stealing data from one another and have invested over a trillion dollars in AI alone last year. The peasants sitting at home watching reality TV and believing the sun revolves around the fucking earth are the least of these bastards concern.
    Last edited: May 13, 2019
  4. Logan 5

    Logan 5 Confessed gynephile Lifetime Supporter

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    I just want a beer.
  5. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Then go to 7/11, this is where you find pot and mushrooms.

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