I'm not fond of Republicans and I didn't like the campaign that his political manager Lee Attwater ran to get him elected. But Bush 41 was a statesman who put country first, and he had a degree of personal integrity, honor and good character that seem lacking in contemporary politicians, notably the Trumpster and Bill Clinton who defeated him. And he was head and shoulders above his son in terms of competency. He gave us the Clean Air Act Amendments--not quite the "environmental President he claimed to be, but not chopped liver. He was a patrician, but with a strong sense of noblesse oblige. We need more men like G.H.W. in public service. The World War II generation is dying out, and we'll be poorer as a nation for it.
Good riddance. I am truly happy this sadistic, child molesting piece of shit is now a rotting corpse. It is a good day for humanity.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ So let me get this straight, George W H Bush is (or was) a pedophile and a satanist who’s responsible for torturing dozens of children. ................and these allegations are not just the ravings of David Icke who presumably interviewed several of his former victims and found them to be credible. OK
The Americans With Disabilities Act was signed into law under Bush's administration. He also reauthorized the Clean Air Act, signed the Immigration Act of 1990 (leading to a 40% increase in legal immigration) and publicly resigned his membership in the NRA. He was also, I feel, a decent man. Now compare to the current occupant of The White House.
I found something about the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 in my Environmental Policy Text from last Spring Semester. I didn't know anything about politics when H.W. was in office. But I remember him being dignified. I remember that I liked having him as president. I was proud to have him as president. It's sad that he had to go, but I think he lived a long and fruitful life. R.I.P. George H.W. Bush.
Sadistic? Child molesting? I think you have him confused with someone else.Next you'll be telling us he ws a reptilian devil worshipper from outer space. Lay off the conspiracy theories. They'll rot your brain.
Was that in the basement dungeon of a pizza parlor? David Icke never met a conspiracy theory he didn't find credible.
They were interviewed as part of a television documentary that was pulled before it could be aired. If Icke interviewed them himself, I am unaware of it.
If that's really Bush1's handwriting, it really says a lot. Unfinished characters are a sign of impatience. Descenders that look like hooks indicate an aggressive personality, but the really big thing here is his mixing of print and script. That folks, is someone with two conflicted personalities. Granted, this conflict could have been the result of being beaten so handily by Clinton and was only a temporary glitch. Another sample from a later time would confirm this. There was a very short time in my life when I thought I wanted to be a private investigator. I worked for a large security company (that never sleeps) and was assisting an investigator who loaned me an excellent book on handwriting analysis. Turns out you can tell a lot from a hotel register just by the way a person makes letters while under stress. Humbert Humbert knew this as well!
It was Bush 1 and his creepy CIA connections who pushed for all those "secret military" shuttle missions. There's no telling what's floating above us in the vast desert of space. After all, Vanguard is still up there!
No way am I going to try to figure out the scribblings of hippies. I wouldn't want to betray them. Politicians on the other hand..........
In evaluating the extent to which President Bush and other American leaders committed war crimes, it would be useful to examine the results of a War Crimes Tribunal organized by Ramsey Clark and the International Action Center. The Commission of Inquiry for the International War Crimes Tribunal, the outgrowth of the Coalition to Stop U.S. Intervention in the Middle East, formed by a group of American activists during the war. Nineteen criminal charges were laid against President Bush and other members of his administration. The purpose of the commission was to conduct exhaustive research into all the facts related to the charges. It traveled around the world to hold hearings and called on expert witnesses to provide evidence about the war. Tribunal members reviewed the testimony of the hearings, documents from UN agencies, documents of governments, and materials from private organizations and institutions. The International War Crimes Tribunal first met on February 27, 1992 to consider the evidence and to determine the guilt or innocence of those charged with 19 crimes. The 22 judges on the War Crimes Tribunal represented 18 nations and were from diverse backgrounds. The judges included: * Lord Tony Gifford, Britain. Human rights lawyer. * Deborah Jackson, U.S. First vice president of the American Association of Jurists. * Michael Ratner, U.S. Attorney and former director of the Center for Constitutional rights, past president of the National Lawyers Guild. * P.S. Poti, India, former Chief Justice of the Gujarat High Court. In 1989 elected president of the All-India Lawyers Union. * Aisha Nyerere, Tanzania, Resident Magistrate of the High Court in Arusha, Tanzania. * Dr. Haluk Gerger, Turkey, Founding member of the Turkish Human Rights Association and professor of political science. Some of the nineteen charges documented against George Bush, James Baker, Cohn Powell, Dick Cheney, and others were that: The United States engaged in a pattern of conduct beginning in or before 1989 intended to lead Iraq into provocations justifying U.S. military action against Iraq and permanent U.S. military domination of the Gulf. * President Bush ordered the destruction of facilities essential to civilian life and economic productivity throughout Iraq. * The United States intentionally bombed and destroyed civilian life, commercial and business districts, schools, hospitals, mosques, churches, shelters, residential areas, historical sites, private vehicles and civilian government offices. * The United States deliberately bombed indiscriminately throughout Iraq. * The United States used prohibited weapons capable of mass destruction and inflicted indiscriminate death and unnecessary suffering against both military and civilian targets. Following are the findings of the War Crimes Tribunal: The Members of the International War Crimes Tribunal finds each of the named accused guilty on the basis of the evidence against them and that each of the nineteen separate crimes alleged in the Initial attached hereto, has been established to have been committed beyond a reasonable doubt. Although the War Crimes Tribunal did not have legitimacy as an international court, it did define the crimes committed by President Bush and the aforementioned members of his administration who did violate the UN Charter, Geneva Conventions, and the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide. President George H W Bush Senior and the first Iraq War (1991) excerpted from the book Lying for Empire How to Commit War Crimes With A Straight Face by David Model