The Ligo observatory is a direct decedent of the original Michealson-Morely interferometer that first determined the speed of light is constant in a vacuum. NASA has had plans to put up a five satellite system, perhaps somewhere in the vicinity of Jupiter, with the satellites separated by millions of miles and forming a gravity wave detecting telescope powerful enough to shed light on the Big Bang and detect if hundreds of thousands of nearby planets have water or even air pollution in their atmosphere. The amazing thing about gravity waves is they can even penetrate the quark-gluon "soup" surround the Big Bang when nothing else can. The Ligo just received a major update, but everyone is waiting for the laser technology to become cheaper and more compact before building the satellite system. Classical physics suggest a black hole should ring more like a bell no matter how short a space-time scale you measure, while quantum mechanics suggest, past a certain point, it should have hair. A newer theory of an event horizon suggests it has hair in the form of virtual particles making the event horizon "fuzzy" rather than merely two dimensional. Contrary to the common misconception of an electron merely revolving around the nucleus of an atom, what it does is a probabilistic dance where its exact position at any given time is more fuzzy-wuzzy and wiggly-jiggly haphazardly randomly jumping all about if you prefer. That means a macroscopic black hole with hair could provide evidence that quantum mechanics rules everything including classical mechanics and could theoretically provide a simplified model for how gravity and quantum mechanics can be reconciled. A pie-bald black hole expresses classical geometry, while a universal recursion in the law of identity would express supersymmetry within asymmetry and the laws of physics as more organic, context dependent, and egalitarian than any single set of metaphysics can support. In other words, it would allow us to make unique predictions all that much more easily and explain how both space and time can exchange identities. The last flash physics item would also suggest this same supersymmetry imposes a sort of Star Trek style "Prime Directive" that prevents metaphysical extremes and Planet of the Apes scenarios which can also be thought of as Isaac Asimov's "I Robot" series where the robots moved all of humanity to another universe altogether in a galaxy that has no alien lifeforms for us to contend with. In other words, the distances between the stars and the limit of the speed of light can be considered nature's way of ensuring that nobody can pop God's bubble by distinguishing reality as entirely separate from the dreamer. Due to the more egalitarian nature of a random, yet, orderly paradoxical universe a Goldilocks Principle and Murphy's Law would limit any metaphysical extremes by the greater context always appearing to determine its own content every bit as much as vice versa. You could say quantum mechanics suggest we are spirits in the material world and the greater truth is we are ascending the stairway to heaven bumbling and stumbling on our adventurous way to the top and, as Socrates suggested, death may be the greatest of all blessings. The fact we have not found alien life yet suggests we are not ready to find any yet and, at extreme scales of any kind, we perceive more of what our own mind is ready to perceive. John Wheeler famously described the situation as, "A black hole has no hair! Gravity without mass! Time is what prevents everything from happening at once! There is no law except the law there is no law!"
I always thought that light was the key factor and not gravity??? for isn't a thought that travels space weightless?
The law of identity going down the rabbit hole means, as Taoists like to say, gravity is the source of lightness. It is only in our stumbling and bumbling and meandering all about that we may learn what it means to rise above and the shadow remains but the memory of the eternal light. Gravity you could describe as the most obvious physical manifestation of the universe's desire to socialize with inertia representing its resistance to socializing. The same for the light which can be described as assertive and outgoing, while its shadow is more receptive and introspective, however, it is only in watching both interact that we can see gravity and inertia dance and the light transform memories into energy and vice versa. A star is born and progressively evolves to convert more of its mass into energy until, as a black hole, it finally spreads all of its mass and energy to the four corners of the universe in the most humble and efficient manner possible. Again, the fewer distinctions we make between who we are and what we are doing the more we embody poetry in motion spreading our own truth to the corners of the universe. The shadow is the memory of the truth traveling faster than the speed of light and connecting everything within the mother of all voids and gravity is but the memory of desire connecting everything within the void, implying everything including the laws of physics can be described as an emergent effect or using four root metaphors. Believe it or not, physicists have already worked out mathematical models for extrapolating Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs into a Spectrum of Needs and Desires.