We need to be prepared to give up all our rights so our loving government can protect us from evil ISIS/ISIL Jihadi extremists. I have not been able to sleep because of the evil terrorist doers who want to instate Sharia Law in America. These people want to behead us!!!! I want to feel the safety that only our government can provide. The government wants nothing more than to protect us and keep us safe, and I am sick of conspiracy theorists (dangerous anti-American extremists) thinking the government would use terrorism to make people fearful in order to gain more power for themselves. The government would never do this because we vote for our elected officials who care about us. We live in America and the government here is not corrupt like in other places. I am thankful for the freedom to follow the Kardashians on Twitter, and I am thankful for the abundance of fast food options I have to choose from. I don't know if I should vote for Trump or Hillary. I think Trump will protect the country by taking the fight to the evil Muslim radicals, but I don't like his hair. On the other hand, Hillary has a really amazing collection of pant suits, and I really think she will fight the evil terrorists just as well.
Honestly, if I didn't know you for your schtick of wanting to be different I would have assumed you were serious about this post, and I would have thought you were an extremist. If I was an extremist too, I would have proceeded with likewise posts. Basically, sarcasm doesn't really work well over the Internet. It kind of works for people that you're mocking than against them. I think you just birthed three more extremists. Are you proud of yourself, PR? Huh? Stop birthing things! I like this post, though. It just might be lost in translation.
please vote for the one who wants to builds walls we really need a wall on our border to keep americans out and id prefer a president neighbour who at least pays half to build one we really cant pay for it alll since the liberals here are already adding billions and billions to our national debt
rights are an emergent phenomina of consideration. consideration is self interest for the kind of world we all have to live in. china build a wall once. so did east germany, when it was a divided country after world war two, and before they did, everybody who wanted to leave could just get on the subway and get off on the other side. (not sure what china's wall accomplished, aside from being a huge public works that employed a lot of people to build it, like the pyramids and some other things. yes i know why. what the intent was.) anger and hate to do not create a world that is free nor enjoyable for anyone to live in. and economic feudalism will not make anyone safer nor more free, from the big, bad government. (nor 'terrorists') terrorism is blowback. all of it. it is provoked as a replacement excuse for the cold war mentality, once russia became no longer viable as a dear enimy.
depending on whom this is addressed to, as for myself, i don't CHOOSE to. i was born here, don't have the wealth to travel much, and have never been any good at learning languages. ah, as to the op, does he live in the u.s.? i forget. right, and if so why? yes, good question. i certainly have no wish to live in a world or a country, that puts 'glory and greatness' whatever the hell those are supposed to mean, ahead of everyone's opportunity for the gratification of creating and exploring. greatness was hitler's wet dream, another roman empire. and for what? what does that do for anyone's happiness or gratification either one. no, america did not trade freedom for safety, it traded freedom for greed, which is neither safety nor free. well rat's the op, i hadn't noticed at furst. its spiff though whom i hope is being satyrical.
the even scarier part is that they actually elected raygun (and for that matter, hitler), so its not like we can really take for granted that it won't or can't happen. (i think raygun won because of name recognition because he had been an actor so a lot of people had heard of him, but people from california who knew what a disaster he had been as governor certainly should have had better sense. and for people who love the silliness of 'signs' of divine opinion, mt st helens did blow its top soon after rayguns election)
here i've been bitching about people interpreting "signs", and now we've got this little bird. coolest little bird in the world, and it didn't even shit on anything. well i'd rather have lefts then wrongs. that's the whole thing about rights.