right wing gun nut jobs try to kill NYC mayor

Discussion in 'Politics' started by rjhangover, May 30, 2013.

  1. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    You have advocated the complete elimination of any type of government:
    Now, how are you going to combat rape, murder, and child molestation that occurs in a large group of people? You seem to think individuals can take action, on their own, to rectify these situations.
    Even Batman works with the Police Commissioner on occasion.
    And I never said that because something exists in a society that it's right.

    I didn't say "forcibly taking the fruits of someone else's labor is pretty much universally seen as wrong". I said theft by taking is wrong.
    You are trying to equate thief by taking with the legal right of the government to tax its citizens and then legally use those taxes as needed for the greater good of you and its citizens. All legal workers contribute a portion of their labor to the common good. That is a contract you enter when you agree to be a citizen. If you refuse to pay your allotted share they have the right to legally force you to comply. Much different than thief by taking as you are not returning any service or goods to the one you are stealing from.
  2. ThisIsWhyYoureWrong

    ThisIsWhyYoureWrong Member

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    I think you may have missed my point. Would you not advocate for the complete elimination of rape or murder, even though they have existed in all human societies? Government is in my opinion an immoral and evil enterprise, much like rape or murder. Perhaps it has and will always exist in some form or another in every human society. In my opinion, this is not a sufficient reason not to advocate for its maximum reduction and perhaps one day, its complete removal.

    It doesn't require everyone to be a batman, or to take action solely on their own. Itd only require that these services be provided by voluntarily exchange rather than coercion. Services like defense and arbitration are valuable and do not require a government to force people to pay for them.

    This quote sums up my response to this:
    The State vs the Highwayman
  3. Individual

    Individual Senior Member

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    Not much different from a thief considering the fact that justification has occurred by reinterpretation of our Constitution by the appointment of activist Supreme Court Justices and NOT by a contract each citizen has been given an opportunity to accept. Hence, the reason Benjamin Franklin when asked "What sort of government have you given us? responded with "A Republic Madam, If you can keep it."

    Freedom as well as Rights are NOT provided by government but instead are what each individual one of us must exercise if we are to retain them. Societies are creations of people, and the U.S.A. is made up of a great many societies, NOT a single society, and that is something that should be recognized as one of the greatest sources of our Freedom. We can move about and settle among others who we more in common with should we feel the need. Article IV, section 4, of the Constitution guarantees every State of the Union a Republican Form of Government, not to be confused with the Republican party. I only wish more persons would look more critically at the events of 1913, the Federal Reserve act, the 16th and 17th amendments and the consequences produced resulting in the expansion of powers allowed to be exercised by the Federal government with little or no need of consent by the people. We had been warned at the time the Constitution was written of some of the negative consequences that might occur as a result of misinterpretation of our Constitution in the future, refuted by the claim that the checks and balances provided by the 3 'equal' branches of government would be adequate protection.

    The Constitution was intended to limit the power of the Federal government over the States and the people, but through activist reinterpretation has allowed the Federal government to expand its powers, greatly diminishing the powers of the States, and even more so the people. Today, it would appear that a large number of people see the Federal government as a centralized provider, much more so than a protector of our freedom of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. It seems that the word Pursuit has been reinterpreted to mean Provision.
  4. Individual

    Individual Senior Member

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  5. Balbus

    Balbus Senior Member

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    But governments we now view as ‘civilised’ have created laws against rape, murder, or child molestation? How would the removal of such laws making those things crimes and all government mechanisms to enforce them help to reduce such crimes?

    And remember that before modern democratic government such things were often allowed, for example in the US there was a time when slaves, human property, could be treated in any way the owner wished, allowing rape, killing, and child molestation.

    Thing is that where you have a very unequal society, those with power and influence dictate the rules. Might becomes right, the arbitrary power of such might was common in many ‘civilised’ societies (and in some places still lingers).

    It seems to me that you would bring back such a system by vastly increasing the power and influence of a few to the detriment of the many.
    This is a charge I have put to you before, you have been unable to refute it in the past can you now?
  6. Balbus

    Balbus Senior Member

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    You can shout ‘FREEDOM’ over and over it still doesn’t disguise the fact that you seem unable to defend your ideas from criticism in any rational or reasonable way.

    I mean what you utter is rubbish – to repeat - where you have a very unequal society, those with power and influence dictate the rules.

    It seems to me that you wish to vastly increasing the power and influence of a few to the detriment of all others.

    This is a charge I have put to you before you have been unable to refute it in the past can you now?
  7. Balbus

    Balbus Senior Member

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    Again you misdirect with more calls of ‘FREEDOM’.

    I mean you go on about power being taken away from ‘the people’ but you have suggested that wealth be given greater voting power so that it could block the will of the rest of ‘the people’. And you have argued against democracy and seem to wish to limit it, taking away the direct election of Senators by popular vote for example (17th amendment), and you have argued for the cutting of taxes (increasing the power of wealth) and the limiting of welfare (opening up people to exploitation).

    Actually you seem more of an enemy to ‘the people’ and their ‘power’. And that is where your ‘many societies’ argument seems to come into context. I mean I’ve asked you to explain it before and you have seemed rather vague but it seems to me that part of it at least is about splitting ‘society’ into wealth based ‘societies’, there is a society of the very wealthy, a society of the wealthy, of the not so wealthy and the rest.

    And the individuals in these ‘societies’ have no obligations to anyone else.
    But as pointed out to you many times those with power are much more able to exercise ‘freedom’ than those without power.

    The medieval nobleman had greater freedom than a peasant, the slave owner had greater power than the slave, etc. And without government checks on such power (or it removal) then that is what happens power takes control.

    It seems to me is what is behind many of those calls for ‘limited government’ and the reason why ‘FREEDOM’ is repeated by them so often is that it’s a misdirection - because actually they want to take away ‘the peoples’ freedom while vastly increasing the power of wealth.
  8. Balbus

    Balbus Senior Member

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    But a republic doesn’t have to be democratic, you can be a republic and be an oligarchy you can be a republic and a dictatorship (in the time of Benjamin very few people had the vote in the US and even fewer could run for office).

    And a republic doesn’t have to guarantee people’s freedoms or rights, for example many of the founding father were slave owners.

    So it’s the type of republic that matters, and it seems to me that many here would like a plutocratic republic rather than a democratic republic.
  9. Individual

    Individual Senior Member

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    Bal, Do you ever tire of promoting the never ending emotional based socialist rant?
  10. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    Your point being that rape and murder is wrong? Sure.
    How did you make the leap from rape and murder to all forms of government? I don't see any connection at all.
    Of course the minimum amount of government is always preferable. Now please explain to me how you will have large groups of people function without any form of government at all.
    You hold human nature in a higher regard than I do. You assume that all citizens will voluntarily contribute their fair share of their efforts for the benefit of all, yet history has shown again and again that this seldom happens. Again, name one civilization, especially one modern industrial society that has not found the need for a government and the need to tax its citizens. Just one.

    The State vs the Highwayman, So all governments are worse than highwaymen? This guy is a joke.
    Why, he, while holding a gun to my head, is at greater danger than I am! And more responsible!
    How honorable.
    No, he will just shoot me in the head if I refuse. Unlike the government who will provide me with the road I travel, the police and army who hunt down my enemies, the funding for scientific research to protect me from disease, starvation, and natural disasters, Etc. Etc. to the tune of billions of dollars, which I could never afford, for my small contribution through taxation. Can't you come up with anything better to counter my arguments than this idiot?
  11. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    I don't know what you are talking about. The Constitution specifically grants the Federal government the right to tax its citizens, irregardless of the Supreme Court.
    In addition Congress, not the Supreme Court passed the 16th Amendment:
  12. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    The framework of the governmental system was designed, in part, to limit Federal power. It was also designed to grant certain powers to the Federal government.
    That is what activists do. That is why they are called activists, they are active. If you disagree with them, then you need to actively work against them in a lawful manner. They hold one opinion, you another.
    Well, it is a centralized provider, that is its function. One thing it provides, in addition to many others, is save guards to "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness". I hate to bring this up, but there was a time when certain States did not provide "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness" to all of their citizens, so the Federal government stepped in and helped them achieve that end. As just one example.
  13. Balbus

    Balbus Senior Member

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    LOL still unable to defend your ideas I notice.
  14. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    Not too bad. I don't understand why the "bad" forms of government are assigned to the left instead of the right, seems a bit slanted, why use the left right analogy at all. Looks like an obvious ploy to demonize "leftist" politics to me. But, whatever.

    Also I would dispute the depiction of monarchies.

    The rest is common knowledge, so what is the point? We are going the way of the Roman Republic because we have social programs? A bit of a stretch there. The Roman Republic, lasted from 509 BCE to 27BCE, that's 482 years. It existed in many forms over that time with great power assigned to the wealthy and the army. Many factors contributed to it's fall, not one.

    So explain to me what your point is in regards to the video.
  15. LetLovinTakeHold

    LetLovinTakeHold Cuz it will if you let it

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    So did they find out who sent Bloomberg the poison or what? Or am I in a different thread?
  16. Individual

    Individual Senior Member

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    If those who are governed accept the form of government by which they are governed without complaint, is it a bad form of government? The Left to Right assignment is relative to the degree of freedom allowable to be exercised; note that the extreme Right being anarchy freely allows all forms of violence, while the extreme Left applies the greatest restrictions on individual freedom, confining it to only what the ruling individual(s) allow.
    Considering the great length and efforts which have been/are being exerted to demonize Rightist politics, I would think that turn about is fair for a change.

    How would you depict monarchies? For that matter do any exist today having absolute power as some appear to have had at one time?

    What factors would you claim to have been most significant in contributing to its fall?

    Only that the U.S. Constitution while not perfect in its original creation, attempted to allow the people to and the States to control the power they would allow the Federal government to wield over them, by limiting its powers to that which is enumerated in the Constitution, with additions and/or changes to occur through the amendment process, and NOT by activist reinterpretation.
  17. Individual

    Individual Senior Member

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    It would appear that "right wing gun nut jobs" is the preferred demonizing answer by the post creator.
  18. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    And the left. I probably would have used a vertical depiction with extreme control at the bottom and anarchy at the top. Just to avoid the left/right thingy.
    The video states something to the effect that monarchies do not place absolute powers in a single individual but rather spread the powers out between the monarch and his/her advisers. This may be true in a Constitutional monarchy but not an Absolute monarchy.
    So he has eliminated one form of government from his description by limiting all monarchies to Constitutional monarchies. He also left out Autocratic Despotism. As far as any existing today, there are about 45 Monarchies including the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Spain, etc.
    Currently recognized as Absolute Monarchies are Brunei, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Swaziland, and Vatican City.
    Perhaps that would be best left to another thread.
    Depends on what you mean by activist. I assume you are speaking of the Supreme Court, if not, I don't know who you mean.
    One Justice has been impeached and one resigned before impeachment.
    This has happened four times, most recently in 1971.
    In addition the president may use his powers to not enforce judicial decisions.
    So the mechanisms are there to stop any overreach by the Supreme Court.
  19. McFuddy

    McFuddy Visitor

    I don't see how anyone can say the Roman Empire fell in 27 BCE... that figure is off by centuries. Off topic I know, sorry about that.
  20. Individual

    Individual Senior Member

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    Activism takes place throughout politics, but those who are in positions of power, elected, appointed, or employed by government are the only ones who can apply activism upon the governed.

    Mechanisms only work when they are properly put to use; they can be misused or simply ignored.

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