Look at these idiots protesting gun laws on a day that honors Martin Luther King Jr.....a Christian minister, Nobel Peace Prize winner, and civil rights leader who died due to gun violence! What a mockery. They couldn't pick another day? Think they can carry any more guns?
they are going to defend the second amendment and defend themselves from a 'rat tyrant who doesn't believe in the constution
a true patriot... State Senator calls for Virginia Gov. Northam to resign by noon - warns 2A patriots that he may be setting them up. - The Daily Sheeple
Memetime, grab a 6pack of MEMETIME is a 5.2% ABV American freedom loving meme sold by MemeCoors of Memewaukee..
It's pretty easy to think in extremes like stormountainman does if we have to do it with people like onceburned for a right leaning debate partner I know there are sensible rightwing americans, but its unfortunate they are rarely participating in political topics on here.
It think his little red hat is cutting off the blood supply to his brain... Anyways, he doesn't debate, he just tosses out alt-right talking points, says 'rats a few times, mentions Hillary and Obama and thinks he won the argument. sad.
Exactly my point. We only get trolls acting like they're rightwing debate partners. Pretty sure he doesn't believe that. He just poses it as such. He's not a sincere rightwing forummer. He's here to annoy leftists and enforce the polarized mindset.
It was probably chosen specifically for the fact that it's Martin Luther King day... They don't like that guy either.
Come on, its clear he's not here to defend real rightwing talking points. It's like you or me would go to a rightwing social media platform and post some cliche libtard statements. It wouldn't serve any other purpose than making sure some people keep thinking and expressing themselves in stereotypes.
I think he's having a senior moment , blood supply to his brain is diminishing Anyways, he doesn't debate, he just says lolz a few times, tries to demean other people. very sad
Just to be clear: it would be great if you would proof me wrong. We're dying for actual sensible and sincere right leaning convo partners! Hardly anyone takes you seriously here and its not because you're rightwing or conservative, it's how you post.