Rewards for lost pets

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by RainyDayHype, Apr 19, 2014.

  1. RainyDayHype

    RainyDayHype flower power Lifetime Supporter

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    As a kid, I was often picking up stray dogs, dogs that looked like they had been on the street for a while.. I actually remember uniting a couple of them with their owners. My dad & I would see the 'Lost Dog' flyers and we'd call up and tell them we found their pet. The fliers often said 'Reward,' sometimes with a specific amount, other times with no specified amount. I don't ever remember receiving a reward once though. If I would have gotten $25 or $50 as a kid, that would have been a big deal. I wonder what I would have bought with that kind of money.

    (On a side note, I always wonder how much money I would have if I would have saved up the money I got as a kid. I would get money for birthdays and christmas and sometimes my dad would just randomly give me a few bucks here and there. I bought disposable plastic crap toys, ya know? But if I was money wise as a kid and wanted to save, that would have been kinda weird. I'm glad I got to be a kid and go to the store and buy whatever toy I wanted. Anyone here ever manage to save as a kid?)

    My question is, anyone ever receive a reward for reuniting a pet? or given a reward out to someone who found their pet? I guess the owners forget in their excitement of seeing their pet again and don't pay up. And I guess even as a kid, I knew it would be rude to ask for the money in that happy moment.

    I guess reuniting them is a reward in itself..
  2. ginalee14

    ginalee14 eternity

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    Not a cash reward, no. But when one of my cats was hit by a car, the woman was excellent and awesome enough to come up to my door and let me know that she hit him. I love her for that.
  3. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    one this neighbor tied a dog to a fence., I knew he didnt have a dog and it was a away from the house he lives. I took the dog and called the people. 50buck reward.
  4. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Never got a reward for all the pets I lost.
  5. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    i've only ever found one lost pet, and the owner basically acted like i had stolen it.

    i've had a few dogs run away, but i always either found them myself or, in a couple cases, never saw them again.

    i guess a neighbor helped us get back a sheep that ran away once, but i don't really consider that a pet. and i was too young at the time to be aware of whether or not there was a reward, although i doubt it.
  6. Heat

    Heat Smile, it's contagious! :) Lifetime Supporter

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    We had one dog who wandered off and we did offer a reward for his return. We put up some flyers and put some in mail boxes as it is a rural area and we all have roadside mail boxes.

    The next day we had a call and went to get Ping. The people who found him would not accept the reward. Later that week we dropped off a gift certificate in their mail box as we were so grateful to have him back. They at least got a nice dinner out on Ping. :)

    We had saving accounts as kids and if we saved a dollar, our parents matched that over and above our allowance. I have done the same thing with my own kids and they have saved money over the years that way. They are allowed to spend it on "things" but normally the spent it on larger items that it allowed them to save for.
  7. MindControlledShepple

    MindControlledShepple Member

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    Lady had a sign for a cat with reward.
    An identical cat got caught in our raccoon trap.
    She came over but said it wasnt hers.
    I took it and drove it about 4 miles away by a park.
    My family asked why I didnt let it out of the cage at the house and let it find its way home.

    My response:

    O.....ya......that was really stupid, whoooops
  8. RainyDayHype

    RainyDayHype flower power Lifetime Supporter

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    Yeah, it's real cool to pick on an animal and leave him in some unknown place. You're a disgusting piece of shit.
  9. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    I never bothered collecting rewards...resale value is usually much higher [​IMG]
  10. MindControlledShepple

    MindControlledShepple Member

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    I meant it when I said it was stupid, I didnt even think about it, the thing looked like it had been stray for along time anyways.

    Come to Detroit, the other day I just saw two guys get out of a blazer open the trunk and pull out two pitbulls that were dead from fighting and they left them in the middle of the street.
    I dragged them to the side of the road.

    One time I saw a dog get hit by a car and I picked him up, his penis bleeding all over me, and I drove him to the vet.

    Yes im a piece of shit. Thanks for reminding me.
    I have more respect for animals then humans, it was just a dumb mistake.
  11. lunarverse

    lunarverse The Living End

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    Not quite a lost pet reward, but I've helped many old people to their cars with their bags, or helped them get around. Some of them get pretty insistent and crotchety when you refuse their rewards, but I could never take it. It's wrong to take reward for something you agree to out of your own volition that isn't a living.
  12. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Lady down the street here brought back 2 pugs that had been lost for a couple of hours. They wandered off and she found them crossing a busy road....and knew to bring them here. Talk about a guardian angel.....I need to do something for invite her over for dinner or something one day. She is a very lovely person. I did not offer her any there was no rewards out....but the crap that could have happen to Einstein and Moxy is unthinkable.....the stars were aligned jus right that day.

    I lost most of my cats at the last house due to them being run over, and one here disappeared, and the other had a serious illness and died this January at only 6 years old. It is too hard to lose them, so I appreciate people findng them....I never found a lost animal and found its owner, though.
  13. Lynnbrown

    Lynnbrown Firecracker

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    The animals I've found, or rather that have found me here in the Twilight Zone, I've always advertised in the lost/found section in our city's newspaper.

    Never, ever was there a single call-back. It seems that when they get here, they are supposed to be mine. :)

    I've lost a few...disappeared. That is an awful, awful feeling...but I always knew when I'd never see them much for knowing stuff. :(

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