Reverse Fetish 'problem'

Discussion in 'Love and Sex' started by cbachinger, Jan 8, 2017.

  1. cbachinger

    cbachinger Visitor

    Hi all!

    Im Christian, a happily married man of 36 and I have an issue, which, instead of happily indulging and getting no short or long term satisfaction in it, I wish to get it sorted out here.

    My fetish for ladies in tight jeans and seeing their bulge, has gone too far, to the point that, I've started wearing such pants as well, 'to experience the same feeling'. But I know that we have different bodies and so I'll never 'experience' more than just an aching groin area. I also know that you ladies don't necessarily feel any sexual pleasure but just a good snug fit but i find it difficult to be satisfied by this, to calm my 'reverse fetish' down.

    Counselling only helped me to a point but I'm sure i just need another opinion or advice from another angle with this one. She told me, I have the right thinking and that I just need to accept it and think of a neutralising element.

    If this IS in the wrong area, please move it, as I am also introducing myself :p
  2. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I'm so confused.

    Are these ladies transgender?
  3. cbachinger

    cbachinger Visitor

    So long as they are classified as being female.
  4. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    This is basically the same post you made in May 2015, referencing your wife.

    This is either you gaining fap fodder, simple trolling for reactions, dehumanizing transwomen, or you need pastoral or psychotherapeutic counseling.
    Or any combination.

    Sit with that. See what answers arise.
  5. nzhippy1992

    nzhippy1992 Members

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    it's always the bible types... well not always but quite alot... no offence but must be something to do with being told that you will meet the wrath of the almighty lord if you deviate from the hallucinations of biblical prophets. I don't think they covered dressing up in touch jeans to get off though haha
  6. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Well when a large portion of the world's population do in fact practice religion, percentages tell me that, yeah, it's gonna be bible types.
  7. nzhippy1992

    nzhippy1992 Members

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    well I guess your right but the bible is Christian and Jewish beleifs
  8. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    If they were Muslim would you still have made the same connection with religion/god? It's always the religious ones?
  9. cbachinger

    cbachinger Visitor

    Ok guys.

    I'm not here to insult anyone or looking for attention and if I need psychological help, then fine, tell me again. We all have our problems; this is mine.

    I'm not religious at all (unless that was sarcasm earlier on) and am simply trying to find a personal solution to what you guys are seemingly calling a 'nut case situation'.

    Quite true, a year and a bit ago, I did indeed post about my wife but I'm a changed man since then and wish to improve myself where I should have earlier.

    So I would appreciate a little more understanding replies but if not, I'll simply go elsewhere.

    Many thanks in advance ladies (or guys)!
  10. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    It's probably because the first self-identifier in the post was to say that you're Christian.
  11. nzhippy1992

    nzhippy1992 Members

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    I believe I said bible types. but I'd have to disagree with the connections to gods. I think they vary greatly across the diversity of religion's. If one wasn't conditioned to feel shame in any other sexual proclivities than man and woman after. they probably would just accept that they enjoy wearing tight jeans and get aroused by it...

    again I mean no offence
  12. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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  13. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    None taken. I don't take offenses to things.

    I was just pointing at that statistically speaking, religious people are going fit into the catagory of "the ones" into this stuff because of the high percentage of religious people in the world.
  14. cbachinger

    cbachinger Visitor

    Guys guys, if I had wanted a religious debate or argument, I would gone to a relevant please stop it now!
    Never would have thought that my name would have sparked such replies; assuming a such.

    Or must I go elsewhere to find advice towards my problem?
  15. nznudist1992

    nznudist1992 Members

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    if you like wearing woman's jeans wear them. who cares it's ok
  16. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I'd go find elsewhere to preach it, Buddy.

    Another member has already concluded that this is not your first post on the subject you were told to sit and reflect and you haven't done that so I'm going to go with fap fodder and you aren't going to get that from me.

    I want to talk about Jesus. :)
  17. cbachinger

    cbachinger Visitor

    I never said I wore them. I said I enjoy seeing women in tight jeans that happen to show their mons and even wanted to wear tighter jeans to feel the same 'pleasure' but I realise I am very wrong with that thought. I've been told by a counselor to just accept how reality is and think of something neutral to not think too much.
    But it's proven to not be as easy as that and I was hoping to find some new 'ideas' or some feminine feedback.
    THAT is why I addressing the ladies; not to discriminate or any rubbish like that.

    Understand now?
  18. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Irminsul 24:24

    And he who stares at women's crotches will not make it into heaven!
    1 person likes this.
  19. cbachinger

    cbachinger Visitor

  20. cbachinger

    cbachinger Visitor


    Where is that written?

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