My friend just got murkd on saturday, boy do a lot of people want these two fuckers. Too bad the popo is gonna get em first prlly, the streets deserve the revenge. What do you think is more approriate, sending a person to prison and them living a long shitty life, or just letting humans take care of work when its needed? And it was a young woman who had a 2 year old daughter
Murkd means mugged? Murdered? In most cases, revenge is just doing something to someone else what you didn't want them to do to someone in the first place. Who knows, they also might have a 2 year old daughter. That being said, the sentiment and emotions are completely understandable. If someone would do something bad to a person close to me I probably want revenge too, even though it is not the rational thing to do. Would I act upon it? Probably not, because it does not solve anything.
smells like someone all too familiar trying to control that is what they are obsessed with, it seems....over and over and over, ad nauseum.
if someone was really murdered, that is sad...but another troll scenario? Somethng stinks...somewhere
I think you have no clue who I am, thanks. Anyways Im not going to do anything nor do I think its necessarily right to get revenge, just looking for opinions, without the bullshit remarks.
Are we meant to know who you are? Famous celebrity is somethig? I like revenge. =] it's very romantic.
sorry to hear that your friend was killed. It is probably best not to seek revenge. There is a very good chance that an innocent person is hurt by accident, or that you yourself end up getting hurt or put in jail. If the cops are on it, it's likely that they will be prosecuted.
I'm a firm believer in an eye for an eye. I think the judicial system is often too soft on those who deserve the worst, and too hard on those who deserve a slap on the wrist, if that (minor drug offenses).
Sorry to hear of your loss while its better to let the authorities handle it if you have the moxie....go for it :2thumbsup:"]Every gunshot from the Deathwish movies - YouTube Hotwater
I don't know what murkd is. I stand for Justice, not revenge. But in a world that lacks TRUE, righteous Justice .. That's not really a world I want to live in.
It is a tragedy that a life is lost but revenge does not bring them back. I can understand wanting it but I am not sure that living with having it makes one any better than the one who made you hurt badly enough to act out.
Yes, it seems to come down to can you get away with it and can you live with it. Unless you have really thought it through...and if it was someone you knew, you will automatically be on a suspect list.
Do you have evidence that will show them to be guilty beyond a reasonable doubt? If not, there's bad karma written all over this shit. If you do, revenge is still risky, but there's a slim chance it will bring them back. If not as a human, then as a tree, or a ferret or something.
If your friend could speak to you now, she would probably not say "take revenge on my killers", but rather, "watch over my daughter".
I tend to agree with you, wcw.... I am not into revenge...When something hurts me, I go into a corner and cry and shut down. If I do get mad at anyone..I feel badly and make ammends afterwards.... I am not the law, and would never do an eye for an eye.....but say if someone killed my brother...I am not sure what I would do...probably end up in a mental hospital, most likely.....
What about laying around all day eating cheetos, watching the poker channel and masturbating? It seems like revenge could be way more productive than that.