Returning To Alaska, Join Us.

Discussion in 'Camping/Outdoor Living' started by cookiecache, May 31, 2015.

  1. cookiecache

    cookiecache Member

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    After 3 years in Oregon, I am getting ready to return to Alaska. My girlfriend and I are looking for a place around Talkeetna and are considering offering a bit of land to someone/couple who is willing to help build. I am 50 and she is.... somewhere close to that.


    This is NOT an easy way to get a place in the wilderness! Building in the Alaska Bush is VERY hard work. However, for a young person or couple, it might be the only affordable way to take the plunge to extreme wilderness living.

    I am looking for something with lakefront access for a float plane. There is a very good chance that the first summer will be spent tent living while the cabins are built. This is not an offer for the weak or fainthearted. Remote living is almost like being dropped off on a different planet for most town dwellers.

    My background is 20 years of living in Alaska including more than 10 years in the bush. There are bunches of post about my old life in Alaska on these forums (search my past posts for more details).

    Do you have what it takes?
    1 person likes this.
  2. Logan 5

    Logan 5 Confessed gynephile Lifetime Supporter

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    Last time we talked I was in another state and still on probation.

    I'm off probation now.
    AND in a different state....

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