Returning america back to its roots

Discussion in 'Democracy' started by DarthDva, Feb 7, 2021.

  1. DarthDva

    DarthDva Members

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    make america america again.

    Prostitution is good, prostitution is based. If you oppose prostitution you are a bad racist, prostitution was made illegal because whites didnt want to breed with chinese. Before chinese immigrants, prostitution was fine and legal by whites. If you oppose prostitution you support the agenda that started in 1914 by the bad racists.
    A Brief History of Prostitution in the US | The Libertarian Institute

    Circumcision is also evil, started by Kellogg, it was created to keep males from masturbating, if you support it you are evil and backwards.

    The modern american sheeple do not know any better, they just regurgitate the same beliefs of backwards people that ruined america and then act like they are progressive leftists. Tucker Carlson is more progressive than these people actually. Leftists like steve colbert and jimmy kimmel are just corporate shills of greedy capatalist bankers and hedge funds. They want to take away your rights and make you slaves of the wealthy.

    The original Patriots of america did pot.

    Yet many modern incels are simps to modern corporate status quo culture. Corporate status quo demands obedience to rigid rules, for moids to wear standard business attire at all times. If a moid wants to have freedom like a human being and wear a dress and be an anime shemale with style they are not allowed, this is because multiculturalism and they want to make sure all moids conform to every culture in order so that all people praise the corporation. Modern social values only acknoledge machine advancement as a virtue, any other virtues are ignored if they do not directly impact profits, "in god we trust" is printed on the dollar bill because the dollar is the god of america. In the 1600s wearing pretty clothes was normal and natural for moids.

    Modern incels and modern feminists are cucks and simps. I view these terms as gender neutral terms, they do not know any better because they are brainwashed. Back in the day before 1914 prostitution was legal and good for incels and women. But feminists and incels will argue against it because they are brainwashed by status quo. Incels believe prostitution will reduce monogamy and collapse society or something like that. But society was just fine with prostitution, without it it has gotten worse and more incels and less monogamy. Newer generations may even be more bluepilled and obedient to corporations (hopefully not.)

    id rather trust a country man than a town man.

    this is the america i know. this is the america i love. not the filthy city crap. But good farms and countrysides. The true and good Nature and the goodness of america.

    even some cities are acceptable if they are done right and with science. But not many cities are.

    embrace nature, embrace prostitution, embrace living in the country, refuse and rebel to live in a city full of bugmen and unwholesome living. resist and rebel against cities that do not promote wholesome music like peter gabriel and phil collins music, resist and rebel against mainstream american television media, instead of wholesome country media like mlp.

    this is the bleak future we have if we do not make incel, human, and family issues a priority:

    Notice how they do not even mention incel issues in the video. We are nothing more than cogs for them to exploit for corporation machines. I warn you of this possible future if we do not focus on the humanities first. Andrew Yang Humanity First!

    *(Although there are some good things in this video, such as healing the sick and medicine, there is no point to medicine if people don't have a quality life...)*
  2. Vladimir Illich

    Vladimir Illich Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    How about making a start by giving back ALL the land stolen from the native americans !!!
  3. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    The civil war proved just how low Americans could go, while Donald Duck has proven the reason is the assholes are all compulsive liars. The solution is simple, install a liar detector in every TV and courtroom, complete with a loud buzzer. Of course, they'll never do that, but their workaholic white population is imploding faster than any other on the planet, so I figured out how to make a fortune encouraging them to enjoy themselves dying younger and reproducing less often. The porn industry applications alone, should help to make them a minority within a decade. To make America great again, sell conservatives all the cheap porn, hard liquor, and guns they want and watch them die faster.
  4. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member Lifetime Supporter

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  5. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member Lifetime Supporter

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    that was the first thing i noticed...

    SO. You identify as incel...

    Can we talk about that?

    I have a hard time sympathizing with fringe-causes, but when I was younger I guess it might have made sense to me.

    All the angst....

    I think that "incels" are basically misogynists/chauvinists with jealousy and rage issues who have issues w/ conforming to social norms.
    wrat1, ~Zen~ and Piobaire like this.
  6. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member Lifetime Supporter

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    I think that's what we're doing.
    Bicaptain My Captain and ~Zen~ like this.
  7. Piobaire

    Piobaire Village Idiot

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    Marie Shear once wrote that 'Feminism' simply means the radical notion that women are human beings, fully imbued with and entitled to all of the rights and privileges appertaining thereto. Implicit in that definition is the complete freedom to independently choose how, when, where, why, and with whom they choose to mate.
    I wholeheartedly agree with Marie Shear.

    'Incel' culture postulates that women are merely sex toys made of meat, and as a male you are somehow entitled to use their bodies to masturbate. Fueled by inadequate male's intractable insecurities and self-pity, it explicitly fosters the most vicious misogynistic rage and has repeatedly goaded it's psychosocially retarded adherents into brutal acts of misanthropic violence and mass murder, where perpetrators are celebrated as exemplars of virile masculinity.
    It is an infantile, thanatotic, malevolent and thoroughly morally repugnant philosophy, and should find no quarter given on these forums.

    I'm sorry to hear that you're so terribly damaged that you've been deluded into thinking that you've found your tribe in the cesspits of the Internet, and I sincerely hope that you get the mental health treatment that you so desperately need before you feel compelled to emulate your heroes and role models.
    BBC Three - Inside the Secret World of Incels
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2021
  8. Bilby

    Bilby Lifetime Supporter and Freerangertarian Super Moderator

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    John Harvey Kellogg was a nutcase who thought that married couples should only have sex for procreation. Like Sylvester Graham who was also a nutcase he thought that masturbation was the cause of all illness. He also advocated penis mutilation, men should not get married until 30 and then only have sex once a month.
    Sylvester Graham also claimed a high fiber, vegetarian diet would lead to a long life. He died at 57.
  9. M_Ranko

    M_Ranko Straight edge xXx

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    While most of what you say is pretty sensible, I feel that it's actually kinda shitty and cruel to ridicule and belittle the natural sexual needs of virile young men. Wanting to have sex does not make a person evil per se, and sexual frustration is a known cause of mental health issues. One can only speculate how many brutal acts of violence could've been avoided, if somebody had simply stepped up and taken one for the team by providing these unfortunate beta men with a way to a non-humiliating, non-exploitative sexual release with an actual partner. Of course, how to actually facilitate this is another topic unto itself.
    Bilby likes this.
  10. Piobaire

    Piobaire Village Idiot

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    If you for one moment equate "the natural sexual needs of virile young men" with the notion that "women are merely sex toys made of meat, and as a male you are somehow entitled to use their bodies to masturbate", or that it is in any way incumbent upon women to "step up and take one for the team", you're definitely part of the problem.
  11. Bilby

    Bilby Lifetime Supporter and Freerangertarian Super Moderator

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    Yes it is a question of consent.
  12. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    You can buy anything in America and, what you can't buy, you can find in Tijuana.
  13. M_Ranko

    M_Ranko Straight edge xXx

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    Hardly. Please don't pretend that you actually know me personally. You will fail the attempt.

    But I've noticed that the word "incel" is something of a curse word on the Internet. Generally speaking, they're mostly just hated and reviled in online speech, ridiculed to unreasonable levels simply for not having enough game, which further deepens their issues. Are you therefore surprised that many of them get fucked in the head? Where's the help and support for these men? I know some, who simply don't deserve the contempt and spiteful attitudes they're getting. So why is this particular group of people open season for poor treatment?
    DarthDva likes this.
  14. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Hate speech is related to networking systems logics, and contextual vagueness. English speaking countries teach that English only has one grammar, which is explicit, when it also has a vague grammar as well, that compensates for rather high error rates. They promote hate speech in the classroom by refusing to teach children English has two grammars and refusing to teach them how to use a dictionary, share their words, and play nice. This is why bullying is epidemic in both the classroom and the workplace in the US. Recent studies indicate that, although good guys tend to finish first, bullies tend to stay in positions of authority longer. I'm writing a book on the subject, but it gets way more complicated.

    The use of "incel" is merely a fishing lure used by trolls and wannabe trolls.
  15. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    Assuming that this question is post 1500, what are the true roots of America that people seem to view through rose tinted spectacles.

    The period between 1945 and 1955 seemed to be what people see as the American dream, but it marked the growth of the huge greedy corporations that ultimately played a large part in destroying the home economy.

    Has their ever been a sustained period of harmony since 1776, where everyone were contented with their lot and people were not shooting each other.

    Who knows, perhaps the dream is riding into town on horseback and shooting the sheriff, at least it would cut the carbon emissions. :)

    PS, I think that few in this world are totally happy with their countries policies.
  16. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    According to the latest estimates, people are already dying, and Biden cutting emissions will make no real difference. A quarter of the world's economy depends on the export of fossil fuels, and they are mostly countries with few other sources of income. Even the micro plastics in the environment are estimated to possibly cause a collapse of the entire food chain within two decades, and modern science is rapidly discovering just how BIG the FUCKING MESS they've made is. We desperately need a theory of everything, which the current supercomputers are theoretically powerful enough to produce, because there can be no doubt the entire world is about to fall apart in every way imaginable, and we must be prepared to put it back together again sensibly.
  17. Piobaire

    Piobaire Village Idiot

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    "Not having enough game?" REALLY? So, you really don't know jack shit about incel culture, do you?

    Elliot Rodger. Alek Minassian. Marc Lépine. Sheldon Bentley. Scott Paul Beierle. George Sodini. Christopher Harper-Mercer. Nathan Larson.

    SPLC: It's Not About Sex, It's About Women
    Raw Hatred; Why the Incel Movement Targets and Terrorizes Women
    The Rage of the Incels
    Why Incels Hate Women
    The rise of incels: How a support group for the dateless became a violent internet subculture
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2021
  18. M_Ranko

    M_Ranko Straight edge xXx

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    More than I'd like to, believe me. Certainly enough to understand the root cause to why the entire phenomenon exists in the first place. Listen, incel is something that honestly didn't have to happen. I humored you and read trough those links that you posted. Among the rather judgemental prose was also the other factor that people just love to ignore while dumping on these guys. Namely that a lot of these guys were abused at least emotionally and forced to listen since childhood how disgusting and unwanted they are. This is particularly horrible in the case of anyone with diagnosed Asperger's, because AS people, on the actual spectrum of autism, and especially adolescent ones, have little to no ability to understand that what they say and do might not be so well received by their peers. They literally cannot help it, so punishing them with the type of social isolation and bullying tactics that I've personally witnessed does not help their growth, but rather, it's the complete antithesis.

    And then, when they grow up, they get told that even the pleasures of women have been denied from them. After decades of every romantic comedy and bullshit Disney-movie spouting the nonsensical bullshit of how there's somebody for everyone, these guys suddenly get told "Lol, not for you, you little asshole", while their childhood bullies get to slay all the pussy they could ever want. Of course realizing this is gonna fucking derail them. They have been lied to their entire young lives. No emotional support,and no guidance whatsoever to actually teach them what to do to get to the objective, which is a normal social life with all that it entails.

    Yeah, quite the rogues' gallery you have there. But still, less than 10 guys. Just a tiny fraction of the hundreds of annual cases where married, socially successful men murder their wives and children. Possibly even the same men, who were the former bullies who once helped to create the incel in the first place.
  19. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    Old habits die hard.
    A guy who boasts about how he can look after himself would always start the alarm bells ringing to me. Only bullies resolve disputes with their fists,
  20. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member Lifetime Supporter

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    I don't have anything particularly poignant to add, though I should point out that we're in the midst of what is arguably revolutionary in politics. The progressive agenda surfacing like a submarine is a thing of awe and beauty in my humble opinion. It's like watching a butterfly come out of its cocoon.

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