So I've been getting into Eckhart Tolle lately. Helps with the negative daydreams and negative emotions. He teaches complete non-resistance to what IS. A "voice" said: "so what if you're being raped? Just lay back and enjoy it? Stupid bitch." I got enraged but just observed the rage and transmuted it. Let's face it, I'm a pushover, so this sounds ideal lol. What say you?
It's only my opinion, but the philosophy of non-resistance doesn't mean that you let people punch you. Not at all. If they do, then punch them back, and keep doing so until they are no longer capable of offering resistance . . . of any kind. Just kick the resistance right out of them. Make them non-resistant! On a serious note, of course you should defend yourself against physical attack, unless that physical attack is part of someones's sexual deviance, and it's not hurting too much. Of course, if you had sex that morning, then there's really no reason to be putting up with that sort of thing, and you shoud defend yourself and make them non-resistant! On a more serious note, offering non-resistance is based on the idea that the more you oppose a force, the more it is inclined to push at you. So, you can prolong a situation by resisting, or you can get it over with quickly by offering no resistance. How that applies to real-life situations, I don't know. Perhaps thedope has a better grasp on this subject than I do. Or, he may be resistant to the idea of contributing; I really don't know.'re kidding, right? We just got done with the relationships troll, now you come around with this... AGAIN?
I don't think rape is the non-resistance that Tolle is talking about... It's more about ignoring, rather than resisting, the negative influences in your life... while still standing up for your rights. Resisting means you feel the need to insist that everyone else agree with you and your choices. Non-resisting means you can make your choices without having to justify them to everyone else. Such as not buying into the constant noise about food, healthy, drugs, religion, politics, just because everyone is. It means looking at the issues and deciding for yourself if these things are right for you as an individual. It means deciding how much of this influence you are willing to let into your life and which ones you will just ignore.
Did any of you read A New Earth? If so, do you recall the parable of the Zen Master who was accused of impregnating a teenager?
Solution: Don't get into Eckhart Tolle The end. Move on. There's a lot better reading material on the same exact subject out there that you would find far more agreeable
I agree. It's like coming to a decision as to which things are real and which things are not, and responding to them accordingly.
I say that is internalized abuse. People talk exactly like that in the real world. That "voice" isn't saying anything that real people don't say. Abuse is TERRIBLY destructive.
Well then forgive me. My patience has run thin. I still think that everything you read should be taken with a pinch of salt and not taken word for word. If you don't have the capacity for reading that requires deep thought, don't jump into it and emerge with misconceptions; work your way up to it. Baby steps Being reactionary is one of our greatest failings as a culture.
I think the intensity of personal physical defense you offer against an aggressor is a matter of personal taste as there is no guaranty that you will win your ground. I think situational awareness forestalls most violent encounters so being fully aware and in touch with the power of the moment as Tolle suggests is helpful in that regard. To that end I would think he finds the idea of non-resistance to be useful. Awareness is a property of mind armed with sensational feedback so non-resistance must be a state of mind or way of apprehending. We detect resistance as varying levels of annoyance or anxiety about our own state or the conditions that we observe. There is no fact of nature that should make you anxious or tense in anything but a hypothetical sense to anyone reading this at this moment so tension is caused by the difference between what you see and what you think should be there and in either instance neither is a satisfactory assessment of the real moment. Rule of thumb anxiety is cause by the misapprehension of what is so therefor you can afford to let go of your righteous indignation. That is we struggle for what is right because we haven't observed what is real. Reality is not at war with itself nor offers argument against itself. The mind that contends against is in a hypnotic state, mesmerized by it own narrative and that is what it reacts to, under tension created by contention. So on those terms what you resist persists.
Stop claiming what? I only state the fact of the matter. What she's hearing is abuse, plain and simple. It really is a secondary point that she hears it mentally. What matters is that it is abuse. What causes that is damage from abuse we experience in this world, not some bullshit chemical imbalance or fundamentally flawed brain.
You commented that being reactionary is one of our greatest failings as a culture. I agreed with you! In fact, at this moment, I'm certain of it.