Hello and well met, My name is Corey and I am a freelance writer who is looking to write an article about clandestine laboratories. As someone who has dabbled in the world of recreational drug use, I have always been interested in these processes and hope maybe some interviews (anonymous or otherwise) with those engaged in clandestine chemistry may help with de-stigmatization and show that a lot of the time, it's just normal people. Full disclosure, this is my first ever attempt at journalism. I am an impoverished bored dude from Massachusetts who wants to be a freelance writer. I am aware of how likely it is that I am a leo, so if this doesn't get any responses, I understand. But I assure you I am just a nerd who enjoys getting stoned and going on trips and thought this would make for an interesting article for those who do and don't partake. As a bonus this affords you the opportunity to brag about your lab on the forum if nothing else. If this post is in some way against tos, I will not argue it's removal. Signed lovingly, A. Boredwannabejournalistfrommassachusetts
I don't think you will find a chemist willing to talk now. You can find interviews online of ones who longer make drugs. They explain a bit of how their lab worked. Try the deep web. You can find several people claiming to run labs or work closely with them. Maybe they would private message some things. Mostly even they will not want to talk and might even want to be paid for an interview. If you understand chemistry you understand much of what they do anyway. Like what chemicals you need to do what and how you get them, where you might hide the lab, how you might avoid the police. No one tells you how to make illegal drugs. It's though education on legal chemistry an educated person figures it out.You can learn all that in the library and some time in a legit college courses with lab procedure.