Republicans hijack social justice when it's moderate enough

Discussion in 'Politics' started by unfocusedanakin, Jan 21, 2020.

  1. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    The main example I was thinking of for this thread is MLK day and how right wing pundits will go on and on about him sharing their values. How they just know a smart hard working man like that would join them,

    Oh really? The man was an outspoken socialist like Bernie Sanders socialist. And got flack from 2 sorts of white people in his life who tended to vote right wing. First, flat out racists and second white people who just like now say he is wrong since he does not shut up.

    This group did not own slaves and they consider themselves very nice to black people so why are you ruining their nice family dinner by sitting in the wrong place in a cafe? Why are you marching and encouraging people to be violent to friendly white people like them? It's separate but equal according to the law and you should be thankful you don't live in Africa now. In their opinion you are unfairly making them a victim so even if they are not racist at least these racist whites are on my side over "the radial left". MLK is upsetting social order and himself encouraging hate.

    Does that remind you of some people in modern times? Maybe in things like the NFL or black lives matter? Republican voters carry on the idea of the 60's. In that decade or now these sort of white people are VERY upset at the idea that someone who is not like them says racism exists. They know, they are American, they are white AKA the people who are supposedly racist to you. So they speak on behalf of these people and accuse white people who agree with the minority as being the true white racist.

    The enemies of MLK where conservative white men. It's such a sad PR campaign to try to steal his legacy.

    I am estimating that in about the late 2030's this same party will deny ever having an issue with trans people or Muslims. At that time it's moderate to say this not in 2020. Just like how in 1975 you did not hear them hijacking MLK. The topic is too hot at the time.

    Some quotes I am sure Ayn Rand would agree with. I admire this man and I too am socialist. At least understand his actual history.

  2. everything bagel

    everything bagel Banned

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    MLK was a proponent of universal basic income and would undoubtedly be Yang Gang
  3. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    Yeah he would not necessarily vote Bernie which is what everyone thinks of when they hear socialist. There are many opinions one can have under that umbrella term. Look at Europe for example. One thing is for sure he was not in favor of a government placing no laws on anything since a free market will just naturally crate wealth. When you think of his background he no doubt saw poverty and an elite group at the top. Even with strong unions in the 60's there was a lot of old money that never works yet had strong opinions on the work habits of lower income Americans.

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