They want to return to the 1950s.
It's because they have a religious platform. Some of them were in their 20's during the 1950s and they want to relive the "Glory years".
A wise man (a poster here in fact) once told me that when dealing with dinosaurs, sometimes you just have to wait for the comet to come around.
Well including Indiana Gov. Pence as VP isn't going to help their platform... unless you truly believe in no social services, taxes only for middle class and poor people, and no education... that's the real platform.
Mike Pence....that is a real problem. i knew it the moment I saw his face.....You can just tell. I did not know much about him at first, and the more I learn about him, the more I want to vomit. So if Trump gets impeached for anything, that is who we will wind up with,. Maybe I need to move out of the USA, if Trump gets in office.
Well it looks like Spence supported the Iraqi war, wants Guantanamo kept open, he's against equal rights for homosexuals and he's for "conversion" therapy. He doesn't want gays in the military, he opposed the hate crime act, and he's not liking gay marriage. He's deleted other people's comments from the official Government Face Book page and he tried to start a news service called JustIN that would be state run and taxpayer funded.: He opposed The Fairness Doctrine, which is one reason we get shit for news on our TV's now. In 2015 he signed Indiana Senate Bill 101, which has been widely criticized as allowing discrimination against LGBT people. He said he'd fix it, he never did.
So all of these anti Hillary voters should not complain if trump is elected, and these measures come to pass. The ACLU has said that many of trumps proposals are unconstitutional. If trump is elected, I see four years of litigation.
The latest provision I've found calls for the elimination of "certain" public lands. This could mean all public lands such as national parks (like Yellowstone), forests, military bases, wildlife refuges, etc. A McDonald's would look great in the middle of the grand Canyon, perched on the western edge maybe.
Other provisions require that the Bible be required reading in all public schools...the Quran wasn't mentioned. There's a provision to end all governmental intervention in parenting. This would end parental child abuse laws, any type of mandatory education, and mandatory vaccinations designed to protect both the individual and the population at large. Another eliminates all funding for early childhood education. And here's some more!!
As expected, the GOP needs to pander to the knuckle draggers of their "base" to win in November. So the platform looks like Fox News on steroids. Hopefully Trump gets soundly defeated and we continue moving forward. if not, there's always Canada.
When you get there say hello to everyone who promised to leave the US when George Bush won a second term.
Okay. So, if Billary is elected (a free, careless criminal), then things will be better than what Obama has accomplished, devaluing our economy in, and as, a nation, turned back racial tensions to the 1960's, made us weak and vulnerable against rogue nations and movements overseas and has even made his own race poorer? Do we really approve of this? The only people Obama has helped is Government Officials, Immigrant Muslims (100 radical Islamists hidden among 10,000 M&Ms, therefore making them unrecognizable), People who won't work, And all other nations in our world except the United States of America. He drastically wants to level the playing field. And Crooked Hillary Clinton will finish us!! Is that REALLY what we want? I don't, I want to raise my daughter and her kids in a free America. I understand that Trump and Pence are overbearing, but that may be what it takes to get us out of our American weakness as a nation. And remember, Congress has some power too, they stopped Obama a lot, I'm sure they will stop Trump a lot too.
Wow, magickman, you really are ignorant of reality, aren't you? I'm no fan of Hillary, but no... President Obama did not devalue our economy. The stock market has more than doubled since he got in office. He did not turn back racial tensions. Social media has allowed what has always existed to rear it's head more than ever. So has Trump.. and don't say he hasn't. It's undeniably so... between his white followers screaming racial obscenities at non-whites (anti or pro Trump, doesn't matter) and white supremacist groups absolutely loving the fuck out of Trump, he's been he most divisive in the past couple decades. The only way we can possibly interpret your statement, "I want to raise my daughter and her kids in a free America" is that it means "I want to raise my daughter in 1950s White Amerikkka". But please, by all means, if you have more than 1 and a half brain cells on this, please elucidate the rest of us who have next to no time for that kind of idiocy.