.... Well we have a replacement banning thread. So now let’s have a replacement praising thread to even things up a bit! Praise the poster above, and explain the reasons why. And you can start by praising ME! Praised for...... .....
Praised for: having a user name that is a very tempting choice of action when Locktown lifts properly
...... Praised for obviously looking in on my live CCTV cameras. More likely referring to my avatar pic now I think more of it! You likely noticed that I always wear a hat outside so me mush isn’t on view all the while. Viewers must not have to suffer that! PS Come on other people looking in on this thread. How about contributing some praises for somebody or something!
Praised for the good laughs every day which we need to survive the chaos, sturm und drang, tempests, volcanoes, politicians and plagues. Cheers to Boozercruiser for being there
Praise for my brothers and sisters (you know who you are) who are always near, no matter how far away, to lend a helping hand or a listening ear across the miles! I truly love you all.
Celebrate the ability to celebrate, give praise and thanks for our ability to give praise and thanks, honoring the greater truth which may only be shared.
Angelmama: Praise to Angel who really does appreciate and love us all in spite of having a really bad time heath wise recently. Wooleeheron: Praise for giving us all some very wise words there.