Bonfire Night, also known in the UK as Guy Fawkes Night (or Guy Fawkes Day), ignites every November 5 to mark the failed 17th-century attempt to blow up Parliament and assassinate King James I. You can mark the occasion by lighting your own bonfire, going to a fireworks show, or learning more about the Gunpowder Plot.
Oh gosh, the poor dogs. They howl a lot when there are fireworks here... Cats seem mostly unperturbed... as usual.
It really is an interesting event because I don't even think any other country has anything like it. This event celebrates the public burning a man who tried to assassinate the King of England by exploding parliament. A very random thing. Only Halloween witches can come close to this but there may be other events like it.
Sussex and in particular Lewes, is going to be a very damp squib tonight as its been pouring with rain most of the day !!!