Should I be takeing a more carefull look at the things around me that I am constantly interpeting as symbols and sighns and coincidences. I have a rather symbolically inclined mind and im constantly connecting thing's together, noticeing metaphors(Intentional and not) and contemplateing over the reason of why things happen. Obviuosly from doing this so much I have a strange knack for it and much more often than not I find coincidences and interpet them into sighns of likely things to come which also seem to happen coincidentally. I usually do not put much importance behind this stuff, because I wasn't sure about where it was takeing me when I did. Not only that, but I also seem to have a pretty good intuition because when I would pay heed to it, I often predicted things out of apparently nowhere. The other half of this though, is that at the same time I have this annoying habit to rationalize thing's... Which is what leads me to parking here on the side of the road with my hazard lights on hopeing a passerby can give me some directions as to where I am because apparently im lost... Oh, one more thing... Sometimes I run across certain people that I get into conversations with and the conversations will soon lead to a language of implying most of what is meant. The conversations always seem to get a little out there but at the same time always seem to be right on. Does anybody else run across this type of happening ever? Does this seem like the first symptoms of a progressive case of schizophrenia? Any help is appreciated in any sort of communication you can offer.
ah , don't worry . you describe an active healthy mind , and you , of this mind , do realize that understanding is progressive and always in motion .
A profoundly psychic person I know (the person I'm in continual telepathic contact with) was on medication for bipolar disorder at one point. I've always had some tendencies in the direction you described in your opening post. Schizophrenia? a shallow degree. I have found that I can go further into that kind of state and pull myself out of it, somewhat at will. From my understanding, schizophrenics don't have that kind of control. I might suggest another possibility - one that seems to explain a lot about my own experiences: A schizotypal personality. Check it out. Here is an outstanding research article suggesting a strong link between schizotypal personality and creativity - and also some hints at psychic ability: The author at one point implies that possibly the trait of schizophrenia in humans may be evolutionarily advantageous in some ways because those with genes for schizophrenia but with other mitigating genes have higher creativity (and higher psychic ability, in my opinion) than those with no genes for schizophrenia. Being somewhat schizophrenic does not necessarily mean your experience of psychic ability is invalid. In fact, your statement that things you thought of actually came true would tend to indicate your experience of psychic ability was quite valid, unless there was a sampling bias in your observations.