Hey all! I'm new here! Thanks for having me I have been seeing this girl for 1.5 years, and all things considered, its going well minus a few small "kinks". She is more or less the opposite of girls i usually pursue, which may explain the success of the relationship: In the past i have gone after women who are obsessed with looking good in public/their own appearance. This one is a little less obsessed and is actually more naturally attractive! But enough of that lets get down to the issue. I know that she never invested much time into looking snazzy for me and thats ok. She would cycle maybe 5 or 6 shirts and one pair of jeans. But she started college 3 months ago, and ive noticed she has gone from 0 to about a 10 as far as effort goes. She still wont "dress up" to go out with me on friday night (no makeup, didnt shower, hair is knotty) unless she was already dressed up for school. The only time she gets dressed up is for school. And shes started wearing makeup ive never seen her own, eyeliner, eyeshadow, foundation, the whole 9. She looks like shes going out for a date single morning! Its alarming. And all kinds of new outfits, and definitely more revealing and showing than before. Im totally ok with this, but damn, why isnt she doing it for me? I tried to confront her about it, but she seems to plead ignorance each time. She doesnt appear to notice her dramatic shift in appearance. Now i have taken a good hard look at myself, and i consider myself well taken care of. Im 6 foot 1, 175 lbs and spend at least an hour in the gym every day (its my hobby i guess) for the past 2 years. Im not channing tatum but im ok to look at. Lengthy first post hey? Lets discuss this further
She's obviously comfortable with you and feels like she doesn't need all the extra stuff when it's just the two of you.
she knows you find her attractive so she feels no need to put on a show for you. She probably feels a little insecure about starting school and being a small fish in a big pond so she dresses up a bit to boost her confidence.. Whereas with you she already feels confident.
i think its pretty normal. she just started going to a place where there is a lot of judgement based on appearance. girls and guys are always judging each other in public, even if its subconscious, and its a normal part of human psychology to want to be attractive. it has nothing to infidelity or anything, its just that women need to feel desirable. on a side note, i always encourage the girls i date to go makeup free, i find it more attractive and i just think its healthier for the skin. one more piece of advice, dont make a big deal out of it, if you do its going to come from a place of low confidence.
I'd say posts #4, 5 and 6 pretty much have this covered. I wouldn't worry about it very much. My wife is a pretty good looking girl who likes to wear a little make-up and dress well. But she's most beautiful to me first thing in the morning having a cup of coffee with her hair messed up and her flannel pants on. She knows that and your girl probably just feels comfortable being herself around you. Consider it a positive thing.
She's obviously having a threesome with her teacher and her principal. Possibly the football team seriously though, college is ULTRA socially competitive, especially for women. If she's sitting in a room with her current and future peers, and they are all dolled up 24/7, she may naturally feel inclined to imitate this. Also, all joking aside, infidelity is a reality in relationships, especially young ones. Lots of relationships end when college begins. Not being a jerk, just saying that maybe in the end, she actually is interested in someone at school, and maybe even doing things with them. Or maybe it's just because she has to step up her game now.
i don't know what college everyone here went to. i went to two different schools, and in both cases it was considered unusual to see someone even halfway dressed up for class; if a girl was wearing more than her pajamas you had to assume she was doing a presentation or something.
She is one that prepares herself to go out in public, and is more relaxed when home or with those that she knows. If you like the result, make sure you let her know.
go to some colleges around miami and you will see some hot model looking girls with a book or a binder in their arms. thats the norm here.