Refugees - What To Do?

Discussion in 'Latest Hip News Stories' started by BlackBillBlake, Sep 3, 2015.

  1. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    What is to be done to prevent more of this?


    Alan Kurdi, 3 years old, drowned off the Turkish coast when the boat carrying him and his family to Kos got into trouble. Only his father survived, the rest of the family were wiped out.
    And this kind of thing has been going on for months now. This is one of the most graphic and disturbing images we've seen.

    I think European countries simply have to accept more of these unfortunate people. Britain should accept a much higher quota than the tens of thousands announced by Cameron today, who after saying this morning we wouldn't take any more people, buckled under the weight of popular response to these grisly pictures. The lucky ones will all be chosen from camps on the Syrian border. Germany is taking a much larger number, and the UK should be more generous.

    More also needs to be done to help those who are already in Europe illegally.

    In the long term it's only going to get solved when if ever, peace can be restored to Syria and other areas involved in this present conflict. The longer it all goes on, the more refugees are going to be knocking on Europe's door.
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  2. Metal Groomp

    Metal Groomp Members

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    That's a really sad picture! It's pretty disturbing! I hope that these issues can be solved so nothing like this happens.
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  3. stormountainman

    stormountainman Soy Un Truckero

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    I live in America and know well what the people here would want done with these poor, tired, hungry masses who are yearning to be free: Americans would want them to accept Christ and be born again and vote for Donald Trump, otherwise go back to where you came from!
  4. fraggle_rock

    fraggle_rock Member

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    The Turkish government is actually intentionally blocking/sinking the boats because there are so many immigrants flooding into Europe.
    It's going to get even worse, mostly due to climate change.
  5. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    Since that particular boat was actually leaving Turkey, that seems unlikely.Also coming from Syria you don't have to cross any seas to get to Turkey.

    I agree with your other point though - we could eventually see millions of climate refugees. That's when things could start to get really nasty.
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  6. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    On the long term it is important that there are more refugees helped on their side of the mediterrean. It is a sad fact but if we keep taking illegal refugees in more will try to cross the sea under too risky conditions and one of the main groups we are helping then are the scumbags who get rich of smuggling too many people and don't give a shit if a whole truck full of them dies. It is so very sad that some syrians escaped the war, crossed the sea and/or several land borders and then die in a wagon due to lack of oxygen. This stuff has to stop. The only way to do this is to make sure refugees of war can be properly sheltered and saved near their own countries. Europe should invest in that a lot too, especially if 'we' do not want 'them' all here. We can not simply say stay out of Europe and then let them rot in poverty and desperation.

    About accepting more refugees in our countries (definitely when they're gonna stay on a permanent basis), i think we should mainy focus on the ones who are already in Europe with that. Also, they may all want to go to countries like Germany and UK but they should accept there's a big chance of having to stay in an european country that isn't their first pick. Shit is just like that. Europe should put more time and effort in the background checks of these refugees who want to stay perminently and yes, accept more of them that have actually left everything to save their and their family's lifes. What is a bit dubious here of course is that we would accept more of these refugees who came into Europe illegally (something we want to stop) and less of those who are in syrian refugee camps or in Libanon or something and want to try it the legal way (which technically is the way we favor).
  7. fraggle_rock

    fraggle_rock Member

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    Woops I meant Greece.
    And it was the coast guard:
  8. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    I don't understand why Hungary is preventing those people on the train from continuing on to a country that has agreed to take them. Seems like the last thing they should want is to keep them in Hungary.

    Usually it works better to give people aid in the country where they live, but ISIS is making that impossible.
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  9. Existensile

    Existensile Member

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    The "refugee problem" over there's been going on for decades. Millions of refugees from Iraq, Syria have lived on the Turkish borders w/ those countries since the 1970s; especially Kurds from Iraq, ethnic homeland of whom includes that border region w/ Turkey. That its supposed ally the US of A spent more than a decade making war in Iraq & chasing even more refugees into Turkey has only made that alliance w/ US of A more tenuous.

    Those allies Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey in fact have been indirectly funding IS/ISIS/ISIL, apparently in the fantastical conviction that they can turn it into a Taliban-style of government rather than the slaughter machine that it is currently. The sudden spike in refugees headed beyond Turkey & Greece in part shows that "policy" just ain't working. & Our wackoid candidates that plead for a resumption of U.S. "boots on the ground" over there fail to mention that'll just create even more enemies in those areas than we already have; altho it seems nigh impossible that we could have more enemies there than we already do.
  10. wiccan_witch

    wiccan_witch Senior Member

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    Just out of curiosity...does anyone know what the US is actually doing to aid in this crisis...considering they started the Afghan and Iraqi conflicts???
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  11. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    They do give air support to forces that fight against IS. Recently Turkey gave them more support for that, like airports.

    I'm not sure Germany has agreed to take in exactly those people? They said to take in more refugees. Letting people who got illegally into Hungary quickly through to other countries was Hungary's first strategy. Maybe they got some complains :p

    Or in neighbouring countries, where Europe could help even more (they already do). Lots of syrians are in Turkey, Libanon. In fact, Libanon seems kind of crumbling under the amount of refugees. But at least they're relatively save from IS violence there.
  12. stormountainman

    stormountainman Soy Un Truckero

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    I don't know the full answer to your question; however, I think America would like to terrorize as many people as it can, so they run away from their own country to escape war, and so American oil companies can have That Desired Prize. America created, trained, armed, and funded ISIS and Al Qaeda.
  13. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    I'm still wondering why the oil-rich middle eastern nations aren't taking in their kinsmen. Why is this an issue for Europe or the US? Oh yeah, because both have stirred up so much crap to get cheap oil.
  14. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    this is so devastatingly tragic, but on a positive note 11,000 Icelandic folks have volunteered to house some refugees. It gives me hope that mankind isn't actually becoming a bunch of right wing robots.

    on the other hand Hungary is behaving like a big bag of dicks.
  15. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    I'm not sure it is about people being right wing or not. Hungary has it's own problems, the people there seem afraid of spending all their government money on a bunch of foreign refugees. If the rest of Europe doesn't make any fast or solid decision on the refugees that pass through Hungary they (hungarian government and/or people) are gonna act desperately. Hungarians don't want a wall for instance because they like walls so much ;) :p
  16. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    I was reading that there is a very right wing element to Hungarian politics.

    reminds me a lot of the refugee crisis in America last year when we were being flooded the with underage kids from central America and the right wing faction spread propaganda about them being unvaccinated and diseased, and also never once referred to them as refugees but instead "migrants", automatically lumping them in with migrant Mexicans when they were in fact war refugees.
  17. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    So let the refugees leave the fucking country!
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  18. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Well, Hungary would love that. But it takes time.
  19. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    Time for what? They have tickets.
  20. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Time to get officially into the next country. At first it was so that refugees that entered Hungary should apply for a stay there, and not aim to pass through and get to stay in Germany, UK or another country of their preference. Now that it seems impossible for all those refugees to stay all there doesn't mean Austria or other countries are opening up the border for them. Well, not just like that anyway.

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